| - Oh, hi, Honey! I know we've been divorced seven years and haven't seen or spoken to each other since we signed the papers, but this little girl here is your daughter who I never told you about even to demand child support payments. I have an important conference out of state, and until I get back, she's your problem! Dad: WHAT!!!??? This trope deals with the after effects of either a Luke, You Are My Father situation, or a sudden Street Urchin adoption. Unlike other dads, this man hasn't raised this child since birth and doesn't have the level of experience that most dads at this point in the child's life would be expected to have. He doesn't know how to braid a little girl's hair or get a toddler to eat his vegetables. And even if he took the child in of his own volition and is happy to have a youngster in his bachelor pad, he is going to go through a period of acclimatization. To qualify for this trope, a male (who need not necessarily be related to the child, simply acting in a fatherly role) must suddenly be given sole responsibility over this child AND not have enough prior experience in this capacity to know what the heck he is doing. Maybe there was a divorce, and the kid lived with Mom but she died or ran off. Maybe he just took in an unrelated child off the streets, or his Kid From the Future ended up on his doorstep. Either way, he has to shape up fast. Often goes hand in hand with Luke, You Are My Father, Children Raise You, Missing Mom and Resentful Guardian (but only at first). If the 'Dad' in question is not actually the father but some other relation or not blood related at all, it will result in Promotion to Parent. Not actually related to Bumbling Dad. Not to be confused with Sink or Swim Mentor. Examples of Sink-or-Swim Fatherhood include: