| - Listener doesn't have a name, but frequently appears on top of the fridge. He is the first Dragon David speaks to. In one book, Gretel uses him to listen to G'reth, Gadzooks and Gruffen in the Dragons Den. He apparently doesn't like jokes about his ears as his are quite big because he's a listener. In "The Fire Ascending" it's name is revealed to be Ganzfeld.
- The Listener was a magazine that was established by the BBC in 1929 and ceased publication in 1991. Its name referred to the era when the BBC broadcast only on the radio. It was generally regarded as a more serious journal than the popular Radio Times and contained analytical pieces on politics, broadcasting and culture. Peel, regarded by some at the BBC as representing the more "intellectual" side of pop culture, first contributed to it in 1968.
- Listener is a native of Second Eden. Her biological parents are Gartrand and Sorentine, her adopted parents are Angel and Dragon/Goliath, and her foster parents were Greevelow and Mantika. Her brothers are Candle (Angel & Dragon's son) a nd Windor (Greevelow & Mantika's son). Listener appears in the Oracles of Fire series and 15 years later in Children of the Bard. She was also show to be a good warrior in children of the bard. She also was shown to have a complex relationship with Matt Bannister and gets engaged to him.
- Listeners are spies among the Seanchan, the kind which are expected to be in every household.
- A Listener is a creature summoned by the Guardian to spy on his enemies in other worlds. A Listener mostly looks like a cross between an imp and a bat and likes to be around lava and fire. In Ultima Underworld II, the Guardian had sent a Listener to spy on the people inside the castle. The Avatar used a special weapon, given to him by Altara, to kill the Listener and thus reduce the Guardian's spying efforts. However, it later proved useless, since Patterson was his human spy in the castle.
- Listener first appears when Clearsight enters the school on her first day. Clearsight immediately starts reading into her futures while Listener immediately begins to read her mind. She tells Clearsight that she would prefer to live out her life without knowing what was going to happen, then tells Clearsight she plans to free the school's scavengers. She and Clearsight become quick friends, however with very conflicting interests. Listener shows her dislike of Whiteout, calling her "Weirdout", and says that she thinks Darkstalker is creepy.