| - Dal manga è nato inizialmente un lungometraggio dal titolo Gekijōban XXXHOLiC - Manatsu no yoru no yume (2005), che narra una storia originale, ma in seguito il manga è stato adattato in una serie animata di due stagioni, XXXHOLiC (2006~2008) piuttosto fedele alla storia. Dalla serie animata sono nati diversi drama CD e album di colonne sonore. Dopo la cancellazione della serie animata, gli ultimi capitoli del manga sono stati animati nell'OVA XXXHOLiC Shunmuki (2009). Un ulteriore OVA è stato annunciato è sarà disponibile a fine 2009.
- Yuuko Ichihara es la propietaria de una tienda que ofrece cumplir un deseo a cambio de algo con un mismo valor que el deseo. Kimihiro Watanuki tiene un tipo especial de sangre que atrae a los espíritus y fantasmas. Entra en la tienda de propiedad de Yuuko Ichihara y le pide deshacerse de los espíritus. Yuuko se ofrece a hacerlo si trabaja a tiempo parcial en su tienda.
- XXXholic è un manga creato dal gruppo CLAMP durante la loro reclusione biennale nel carcere di Guantanamo. Il titolo é stato scelto pescando lettere a caso nell'enciclopedia Disney e non ha nessuna rilevanza ai fini della trama, se non quella di rivangare i tempi più felici in cui le autrici realizzavano il fumetto X, ora ribattezzato per distinguerlo "X e basta" e interrotto da un pezzo poiché le CLAMP da anni non sanno come cazzo farlo finire.
- xxxHOLiC (×××ホリック, Horikku), pronounced "holic", is a seinen manga series planned and presented by Clamp. The storyline of xxxHOLiC crosses over with that of a number of other CLAMP series, the most notable of which are Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE which was written in tandem with it, and Cardcaptor Sakura whose history it draws on at several points. xxxHOLiC is also connected with the series Blood-C though not shown in xxxHOLiC due to the time difference.
- xxxHolic (xxxホリック, Horikku), pronounced holic, is a seinen manga series planned and presented by Clamp. It has been serialized in Kodansha's Young Magazine periodically since 2003 and published in volumes under the KC Deluxe label. It is currently published in the United States by Del Rey Manga. Similar to the announcement in its sister publication Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle months earlier, on April 28, 2008, in chapter 157 prior to beginning a five week hiatus, it was announced that xxxHolic is approaching its conclusion.
- Kimihiro Watanuki is a high school student who is continually plagued by supernatural monsters and spirits which are magically attracted to him, which are invisible to pretty much everyone but himself, and usually try to devour him. One day, while running away from and nearly being eaten by some spirits, he finds a mysterious shop that grants wishes. The Anime has been uploaded in both dub and subtitle formats on Funimation's video portal The manga has been completed, with 213 chapters in all.
- ×××Holic(×××ホリックHorikku, in-universe officially typeset xXxHoLic), pronounced "holic" is an ongoing seinen manga written and illustrated by the group of manga authors known as Clamp. The series, which ties in strongly with another of Clamp's series, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, revolves around Kimihiro Watanuki, a high-school student disturbed by his ability to see the supernatural and meets Yūko Ichihara, a witch who owns a wish-granting shop. Watanuki requests to have his ability to see spirits removed and as payment, Yūko hires him to work in the shop, resulting in his encounter with various supernatural encounters. Clamp came with the idea of xxxHolic when wanting to create a series who would link with the others they made.