| - My little witch begins to manipulate more and more of her people to oppose Carlin's presence here. She proves cunning and easily picks up new magic I'm teaching her. If she have been sent to a good magical college, she might have become a magician of some renown. On the other hand, she is much more interested in worldly affairs and less in research. However, her influence on her people is growing and the spells I taught her earned her great respect. Only the old fashioned clique of druids still oppose her, despite of her obvious power and the knowledge she had gained from me. Some things are seemingly always the same, everywhere in the world.
- After the first success, the research got really slow. I am able to tap the powers of the shards and drain them for my purposes but that is not very sufficient. One of the few direct effects, I can derive of the shards, is the slowed ageing process for me and my apprentice. Other things progress similarly slowly. There seems little left of the ancient civilisation that once retreated here. I begin to assume that they did not only use the frostspire to bind all that cold to create a hospitable environment, but they also used the contained cold to build their settlements. What a sight it must have been, a green and warm isle with cities of crystal gleaming ice! The shattering of the frostspire probably let this architecture erode over the centuries. This is truly a shame.
- The Carlin miners are a thick-headed and stubborn bunch. Can't they see that they are not welcome here? Why don't they just leave? However, there are more important things to do. I have unlocked some of the secrets of the frostspire shard. After all these centuries that have passed and the shattering of the frostspire, that released all the contained cold all over the isles, there is still power in this shard. I manipulated some of it's essence to slow my ageing process! What a triumph of science! That alone will make me the greatest magician of all times! But I am sure there is more about this shard! My apprentice sent some of her loyal followers to find more of the shards. The shattering of the frostspire must have produced thousands and thousands of them.