| - Generally speaking, every editor has several views which can be organized in order to fit the mapper's needs; among them we can appreciate:
* (C) The Camera view, a 3D look of how the unlit map brushes are organized in your map.
* (XY) The 2D Upper view.
* (XZ) The 2D Front view.
* (YZ) The 2D Side view.
* (T) The Texture browser.
* (O) The Console output.
* (XYZ) A customizable 2D view capable of switching between XY-XZ-YZ views. In many editors for other games, you can adapt your window viewport arrangement to your needs. In the *Radiant editors, however, you only have four predefined arrangements:
* Default: (XYZ) to the very left, (C) to the top-right, (T) to the middle-right, and (O) covering the whole bottom.
* Floating: Three separate, floating window viewports, with the (XYZ), (C) and (T) views.
* Four-square: The interface is divided in four quadrants: (C) at top-left, (XY) at top-right, (XZ) at bottom-left and (YZ) at bottom-right.
* Default inverted: Same as Default, except that (C) and (T) occupy now the left side and (XYZ) is located at the right side. The most recommended view to use is the Four-square one, as it covers every area the mapper needs, and the Texture Browser and Console Output can be called later anyway.