| - Dina Elfiki was a female Human female of Egyptian descent in Starfleet in the late 24th century. She was a science officer with specialties in physics and astrometrics. In 2380, Lieutenant Elfiki transferred to the USS Enterprise-E as its new science officer. Her first mission aboard the Enterprise was to investigate star cluster NGC 6281. She helped determine that the entire cluster was a single living entity. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum) During the Borg Invasion of 2381, she assured Captain Jean-Luc Picard that the Enterprise could break through the interference of the Azure Nebula at short range, allowing them to scan for transwarp signatures within a few billion kilometers. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night) After the Enterprise fought off several Borg cubes inside the nebula, Elfiki aided in linking up both the Enterprise and USS Aventine sensor arrays and computing powers, discovering the network of subspace tunnels within the nebula. Analysis performed by Elfiki determined that the dynamics of the tunnels prevented the creation of a stable minefield there, and that the destruction of any of the tunnels could have disastrous ripple effects across the universe. The vessels then turned to scouting the tunnels, and Elfiki took charge of determining the appropriate soliton frequencies to do so. When the tunnels threatened to collapse and trap them far from Federation territory, she came up with the idea to use transphasic torpedoes to disrupt the plasma stream and allow them to safely return. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) Later, Elfiki took responsibility for monitoring the soliton pulse that allowed the Starfleet ships to communicate with the Caeliar. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls) In 2381, following the Borg Invasion of that year, she and Ensign Jill Rosado worked together on a database search protocol that could identify and locate planetary evacuation ships that had not been properly documented during the pre-invasion chaos. Her efforts led to the discovery of the lost Denevan ship SS Libra. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
- Dina Elfiki was a Human female of Egyptian descent in Starfleet in the late 24th century. She was a science officer with specialties in physics and astrometrics, and held two doctorates in astrophysics and theoretical mathematics. (TNG - Cold Equations novel: The Body Electric) Her first assignment out of Starfleet Academy was to one of the Earth Outpost Stations along the Neutral Zone. (TNG novel: Armageddon's Arrow) In 2380, Lieutenant Elfiki transferred to the USS Enterprise-E as its new science officer. Her first mission aboard the Enterprise was to investigate star cluster NGC 6281. She helped determine that the entire cluster was a single living entity. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum) During the Borg Invasion of 2381, she assured Captain Jean-Luc Picard that the Enterprise could break through the interference of the Azure Nebula at short range, allowing them to scan for transwarp signatures within a few billion kilometers. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night) After the Enterprise fought off several Borg cubes inside the nebula, Elfiki aided in linking up both the Enterprise and USS Aventine sensor arrays and computing powers, discovering the network of subspace tunnels within the nebula. Analysis performed by Elfiki determined that the dynamics of the tunnels prevented the creation of a stable minefield there, and that the destruction of any of the tunnels could have disastrous ripple effects across the universe. The vessels then turned to scouting the tunnels, and Elfiki took charge of determining the appropriate soliton frequencies to do so. When the tunnels threatened to collapse and trap them far from Federation territory, she came up with the idea to use transphasic torpedoes to disrupt the plasma stream and allow them to safely return. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) Later, Elfiki took responsibility for monitoring the soliton pulse that allowed the Starfleet ships to communicate with the Caeliar. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls) In 2381, following the Borg Invasion of that year, she and Ensign Jill Rosado worked together on a database search protocol that could identify and locate planetary evacuation ships that had not been properly documented during the pre-invasion chaos. Her efforts led to the discovery of the lost Denevan ship SS Libra. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace) In February 2382, Elfiki was flung back in time to October 2381, where she was sequestered by the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations until time caught up with her and she was able to reintegrate back into her life. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock) In 2386, during the Enterprise's exploration of the Odyssean Pass, Elfiki began a relationship with Lieutenant Gary Weinrib, the Enterprise's gamma shift Flight controller. (TNG novel: Headlong Flight)