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The Old Kingdom

  • Old Kingdom
  • The Old Kingdom
  • ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20. Wizards of the Coast is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and is used with permission.
  • The world is divided into two parts: the Old Kingdom, where magic rules, and the Southern Nations, where it doesn't exist. The Old Kingdom is torn between two kinds of magic: Charter Magic, which is controlled, and Free Magic, which is uncontrolled and considered dangerous or even evil. Necromancy receives special focus, especially when it comes to dealing with the Dead, who are evil and destructive. Necromancy is not generally regarded favorably, to say the least; but it must be used to protect people from the Dead—which is where the main characters of the series come in.
  • The Old Kingdom, or as it was known during its time, The Kingdom of Albion and The Kingdom of Archon, was an ancient kingdom founded by William Black and ruled by the Archons. - from "The Old Kingdom", a book that can be found in a bookshelf in the Heroes' Guild.
  • The Old Kingdom is the third period of time during the campaign in Pharaoh.
  • Under King Djoser, the second king of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, the royal capital of Egypt was moved to Memphis, where Djoser established his court. A new era of building was initiated at Saqqara under his reign. King Djoser's architect, Imhotep is credited with the development of building with stone and with the conception of the new architectural form—the Step Pyramid. Indeed, the Old Kingdom is perhaps best known for the large number of pyramids constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids."
  • Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to the period in the 3rd millennium BCE when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization in complexity and achievement – the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods, which mark the high points of civilization in the lower Nile Valley (the others being Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom).
  • A young adult fantasy series by Garth Nix consisting of three volumes -- Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen -- plus at least one novelette, "Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case" (appears in Across The Wall, a collection of short fiction), a sequel of sorts to the trilogy. A prequel -- Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen -- and a sequel are set for 2013.
  • It’s a nation created by militaries that were against the Saint Kingdom’s visions. It became a military nation formed around the army that was resurrected by the King of Elgo’s bastard son. They are best known for their rigid authoritarianism. For this reason, many of their people were exiled or severely punished. Enraged by this, the people united to fight against the army and many civil wars were fought. The situation went out of their control and the nation was on its way to destruction. To defeat the Saint Kingdom and revive their royal power are their primary objectives.
  • The Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to that period in the 3rd millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization complexity and achievement — this was the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods, which mark the high points of civilization in the Nile Valley (the others being Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom). The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period of time when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through to the Sixth Dynasty (2575 BC–2134 BC). Many Egyptologists also include the Memphite Seventh Dynasty and Eighth Dynasties in the Old Kingdom as a continuation of the administration centralized at Memphis. The Old Kingdom was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline referred to by Egyptologists as the First
  • The Old Kingdom is a large kingdom located to the North of Ancelstierre, and to the north of the Old Kingdom lie the Twenty Tribes. These two regions are separated by The Wall, though they do impinge on each other slightly. The Old Kingdom is ruled by the Royal line, though during the Interregnum there was a regency, and then twenty years with no ruler. There is supposedly another region in the far North of the Old Kingdom, though this has not been confirmed.
  • Middle Kingdom
  • Archaic Period
  • The Old Kingdom
  • ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20. Wizards of the Coast is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and is used with permission.
  • The Old Kingdom is a large kingdom located to the North of Ancelstierre, and to the north of the Old Kingdom lie the Twenty Tribes. These two regions are separated by The Wall, though they do impinge on each other slightly. The Old Kingdom is ruled by the Royal line, though during the Interregnum there was a regency, and then twenty years with no ruler. There is supposedly another region in the far North of the Old Kingdom, though this has not been confirmed. Some important landmarks in the Old Kingdom are the capital city, Belisaere, the Clayr's Glacier, Abhorsen's House and the River Ratterlin. For a more comprehensive list of named locations, see below.
  • The world is divided into two parts: the Old Kingdom, where magic rules, and the Southern Nations, where it doesn't exist. The Old Kingdom is torn between two kinds of magic: Charter Magic, which is controlled, and Free Magic, which is uncontrolled and considered dangerous or even evil. Necromancy receives special focus, especially when it comes to dealing with the Dead, who are evil and destructive. Necromancy is not generally regarded favorably, to say the least; but it must be used to protect people from the Dead—which is where the main characters of the series come in.
  • A young adult fantasy series by Garth Nix consisting of three volumes -- Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen -- plus at least one novelette, "Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case" (appears in Across The Wall, a collection of short fiction), a sequel of sorts to the trilogy. A prequel -- Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen -- and a sequel are set for 2013. Set in a world sharply divided into the Old Kingdom, where magic rules, and the Southern Nations, where science is law, the Old Kingdom series revolves mostly around the conflict between two varieties of magic -- Charter and Free, which correspond roughly to the traditional alignments of Law and Chaos. Charter magic is defined by the Charter, a runic language, which gives structure and purpose to sorcery to make it a beneficial and constructive force; Free magic is wild, uncontrolled and given to corruption and wanton destruction. Poised between the two is the Abhorsen, who partakes of both to defend the people of the Charter from the undead and other monsters that Free magic and its servants spawn in order to work their wills. The first book tells the story of Sabriel, daughter of the Abhorsen, who discovers that since something bad has happened to her father, she must protect the world from the hordes of undead that threaten it. The second and third are set some years later and follow several other protagonists as they attempt to prevent a great evil from escaping its prison. Although parts of the setting bear a superficial similarity to the "stock" medieval fantasy, Nix quickly heads off into new territory, bringing a unique and different flavor to what might have otherwise been yet another fantasy Cliché Storm. The magic systems used in the book are radically different from the expected and contribute signficantly to its originality. One of the more interesting touches is the presence of the more advanced technological lands to the south of the Old Kingdom -- in particular Ancelstierre, home to many of the characters, which comes across much like England circa 1910-1920. * Afterlife Antechamber: Death is like a river running through a series of caves, the last of which opens out under what looks like, but isn't, a sky full of stars. That's as far as any character goes; anybody who goes on from there never comes back. Undead raised by necromancers are always souls from within the caves, either because they died recently and hadn't finished the journey or because they deliberately lingered in one of the caves in hope of finding a way back to the land of the living. * Agent Scully: Nicholas Sayre thinks his best friend's obvious magic is just showing off, and other obvious signs of magic are superstition. * In Nick's defense, his brain was operating rationally on the subject until Hedge planted a shard of the Destroyer's prison in his heart. * Also, Nick admits to the existence of functional magic, having confronted and killed honest-to-god zombies, but he believes that there is a scientific explanation behind the usage of magic. Though when he is feverish, later on, he discounts many of the very real dangers of The Old Kingdom as superstition. * Allergic to Evil: Free Magic has this effect on people, and broken Charter Stones induce extreme nausea in Charter mages. * Always Chaotic Evil: The Dead, who even when not affiliated under a necromancer will kill anything that moves, if only to eat their life force. Being a walking and animated sin against the cosmic order will do that to a person. * Free-willed Dead are more selfish and cowardy than anything else, willing to eat life force and kill people rather than truly die. * Anarchy Is Chaos: Since the fall of the royal family, the Old Kingdom has been steadily sliding into chaos as the years go by, since the very existence of the family is necessary to the health of the kingdom. * Apocalypse How: It's suggested that it happened north of the Wall two hundred years before the story opens, in response to Kerrigor's assassination of the royal family, and his armies of Dead ravaging the land. In Lirael, Class 5, Planetary Extinction, is the Sealed Evil in a Can's goal. * It succeeded at that goal six times before... * Arc Words: "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" * Awesome Moment of Crowning: Touchstone is revealed to be the last surviving member of the royal family, a bastard son of the Queen, and so in eighteen years, not only are he and Sabriel happily married, they're king and queen as well. * Backwards Name: Kerrigor --> Rogirek * Badass Abnormal: Nick in the novella, where he acts almost entirely as a Badass Normal but has absurd amounts of Free Magic left in his blood thanks to his little stint as Orannis's mouthpiece, which seems to interact with the Charter Mark the Dog gave him in very weird ways. * Badass Bandolier: Used by Abhorsens and necromancers to carry their bells. * Badass Bookworm: Sabriel qualifies, but Lirael is a much more extreme example. Aside from being the Second Assistant Librarian, her secret after-hours activities regularly include awakening horrible Free Magic creatures locked in the deepest dungeons of the library, and destroying them with the help of the Disreputable Dog. * Hell, anyone working at the Clayr's library pretty much has to be. Whose bright idea was it to lock up live Free Magic nasties in the basement, anyway? * They may not have been invited in the first place, they may have snuck in. Plus, not all of them can be dealt with by Clayr; the Stilken, for example, can only be killed with Free Magic, something no self-respecting Clayr is going to use even for a good cause, but it can be sealed using Charter Magic. The others might have been kept around as research subjects, then forgotten about. They should really either stop doing that, start putting them in slightly less stupid places, or start taking inventory every couple of decades to make sure nothing unpleasant gets out, but where would the fun be in that? * Or, as the Clayr can see the future and tend to plan ridiculously far ahead maybe they're kept there waiting for some important reason in the future,(like they did with the mirror for Lirael.) * It's also stated that by living so much in the future they tend to forget the present. There may be a bit of 'Somebody Else's Problem' mentality if they don't See themselves doing something about it. * The delay for categorising a new aquisition to the library is 50 years minimum. * Librarians are given magical daggers on first recruitment, and are instructed to attach whistles to their lapels so they can call for help if they can't use their arms. Or if their arms are no longer attached. * Badass Family: The Abhorsens, the royal family, and the Clayr. * Bad Powers, Bad People: Averted for the heroes. The Abhorsens have the same abilities as necromancers, namely those of awakening and otherwise controlling dead bodies and spirits. The Abhorsens' bells, however, are fired through with Charter Magic, hence their commitment and ability to keep the Dead journeying down the river of death. * The Berserker: Touchstone, when he's pushed to the edge. This is a result of his father having been a warrior from the North. * This ability passes down to his son, Sameth. * Big Damn Heroes: When Sam and the army are holding off the dead near the end of Abhorsen. * The Big Damn Kiss: "Think of Life!" from Sabriel. Set between the showdown in the reservoir and Touchstone's berserker rage, this is Sabriel and Touchstone's First Kiss. Epic enough to resist the power of Astarael, the Weeper, which sends all who hear it into Death. Or at least the echoes of Astarael from a long distance, and it's explicitely stated that Sabriel tears his lip open to keep him conscious. * Blinding Bangs: When she's feeling particularly depressed and unsociable, Lirael is prone to hiding behind her hair so she doesn't have to look people in the eyes. * Blood Magic: Breaking or mending or making a Charter Stone requires Charter Mage blood, for the Great Stones, it needs royal, Abhorsen, or Clayr blood. * Bob Haircut: Sabriel. Don't believe the cover! * Brilliant but Lazy: From the second book onward, Mogget, though very knowledgeable and powerful, spends most of his time snoozing, rousing only to snark his "companions" or in life-and-death (or Life-and-Death) situations. Supposedly, this is because his Restraining Bolt binds him with the power of Ranna, 'the Sleeper', though it's heavily implied numerous times that he chooses when to obey. In the first book, he has no such excuse, but is still a lazy, unhelpful git; though, to his credit, he does always help out when the chips are down. * Call Back: At the very start of the first book, Sabriel's father sees to it that his (apparently) dead newborn daughter is baptized in the Charter, to preserve her spirit. At the very end of the last book, the Disreputable Dog does the same thing for Nick, and sends him back to life. * Call to Adventure: Sabriel gets hers when a messenger from her father delivers her the Abhorsen's sword and bells, a sign that something is wrong. Lirael's comes from the Clayr, seeing her on the Red Lake sometime during the coming summer (and in a way, the Disreputable Dog is a walking, talking Call to Adventure.) * The Call Put Me on Hold: Get used to it, Lirael. * For the record, she did. And she feels better about being the Abhorsen-in-Waiting than a reject Clayr. * Catch Phrase: "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" for pretty much anyone associated with the Abhorsens. * Cats Are Magic: Mogget, the sarcastic, fish-demanding, white feline servant of the Abhorsens who is actually Yrael, one of the Nine Bright Shiners, and a free magic creature, bound by a ring. Kerrigor is bound along with Mogget by the same ring and becomes a sleeping black cat. * Cats Are Mean: Mogget, who qualifies for one of the meanest beings in the Old Kingdom. * Cats Are Snarkers: Mogget * Cat Scare: There're at least two occasions when Sam hears something in the grass, freaks out, and draws his sword and it turns out to be Mogget. * Mogget's not really a cat. He's a Free Magic being, and his true form is both terrifying and terrifyingly powerful. Making this somewhat of a subversion- the characters do have something to fear from the cat even when he appears to be bound in cat shape. * Changing of the Guard: The main character of the first book is Sabriel, and the story focuses on her first quest as Abhorsen. In the second and third books, set 18 years later, Sabriel is offstage for most of the story; the story focuses in part on her son Sam who is in training to be the next Abhorsen himself. The trope is played with in that he is obviously desperately unqualified to be an Abhorsen and then perhaps double-subverted, in that the other main character turns out to be Sabriel's long-lost half-sister, and she becomes the next Abhorsen. * The Chosen One: The Abhorsen, responsible for making The Undead Deader Than Dead. * Color Coded for Your Convenience: Charter marks glow golden, while Free Magic is white electrical fire, and necromancy often features red flames. * Coming of Age Story * The Corruption: This is what happens to dead spirits that decide they don't want to travel up any farther past the River of Death. Also an explicit consequence, even for the living, of tarrying in Death (only necromancers and the Abhorsen know how to avoid these pitfalls). * Cosmic Keystone: The Great Charter Stones. When Kerrigor broke some of them, it made things difficult for a while. * Crowning Moment of Awesome: The Final Battle in "Abhorsen". Mogget's reveal as Yrael just makes the last stand all the more epic. * Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Yrael's Choice. * Also, "I love you. I hope you don't mind." * And, "I'm sending you back." "Wait - is that allowed?" "... No. But then, I am the Disreputable Dog." * Cryptic Background Reference: There are all these hints thrown in around the wider world around and in the Old Kingdom. * Dark Is Evil and Dark Is Not Evil: The same magic is wielded by both the antagonists and the protagonists - the heroes just balance it with relatively good magic. * Dark-Skinned Blond: The Clayr. * Dead Ex Machina: The entire line of Abhorsens, including her father for Sabriel, and the Disreputable Dog for Nick. Both examples send the recipient back to the world of Life. * Deader Than Dead: Spirits can be pulled back from the River of Death, but if they're far enough along, the current becomes too strong and recovery becomes impossible. * In particular, nothing can resist the call of the Ninth Gate if it's their time to die. * Deadpan Snarker: Mogget, in spades. * Death by Childbirth: the first book opens with Sabriel's mother dying after giving birth to her. * Derelict Graveyard: Sabriel, in the first book, lands her Paperwing in a very unique Derelict Graveyard: the underground and enchanted grotto full of the burial ships of kings. As such, there's nothing harmful lurking there, but she does find a Human Popsicle that needs rescuing while she's there. * The Determinator: Frequently, it is Sabriel and Lirael's willpower that allows them to persevere against the forces of the Dead. * Divided for Publication: Basically Lirael and Abhosen are one story, having been written as one story, but after getting past the half way point Garth Nix realised it was getting way, way too long for a single young-adult-aimed fantasy novel and split it in half. * Does This Remind You of Anything?: There are two metallic hemispheres, explicitly described as denser than gold. Even when divided, they emenate harmful energy. When forced together, they explode in blinding light, flash-incinerating everything within 10 miles and raising a towering, mushroom-shaped cloud... * Don't Fear the Reaper: "Everyone and everything has a time to die." * Doorstopper: Lirael is around 700 pages long. Since it was Divided for Publication, along with Abhorsen, the full story is over 1000 pages. * The Dragon: Hedge in the third book. At first he appears to be the Big Bad, but it turns out he... well, isn't. Chlorr is pretty much his Dragon, though. * Eldritch Abomination: Most of the Free Magic beasties, with some of the more powerful Dead shading into it as well. Orannis is somewhere between this and Planet Eater. * Embarrassing Nickname: Touchstone. Mogget gives him the name, and Touchstone finds it quite annoying, (it's a fool's name) -- yet he can't argue with it. * Mr. Fanservice: Touchstone, and his kilt. Squee. * Eternal Recurrence: Lirael discovers in Abhorsen that the world has been destroyed and remade seven times in the past. * Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Sabriel was rather surprised to find out that Abhorsen was not actually her father's name, but instead his title. * Evil Is Hammy: Kerrigor. * Evil Is Not a Toy: Chlorr. "Oh, I hear there's an ancient and mysterious force of evil near the Red Lake! I shall go grab it, since there's obviously no way it could outclass me!" * Evil Gloating: Played with (its a case of Evil Versus Evil) - after Yrael makes his Crowning Moment of Heartwarming choice, he proceeds to tell the big bad, an omnicidal maniac who hates life, why. He does so in an incredibly poetic and smug way. * Fallen Hero: At the end of Abhorsen, Mogget hints that Chlorr of the Mask was once an Abhorsen. Garth Nix later partly confirmed this on his blog. Chlorr's original name was Clariel, a.k.a. the lost Abhorsen, and she dates to a few hundred years before the events of Sabriel. * Fantastic Nuke: The second of Orannis's nine forms. Not merely equivalent in role, either... See Does This Remind You of Anything?. * Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Ancelstierre is basically 1920s Britain. * Fingore: At the end of Abhorsen, when Lirael uses the reforged Nehima to break Orannis, the fingers of her right hand literally fuse into the molten hilt. * First Girl Wins: Sabriel to Touchstone. * The Force: The Charter, which organizes the world and energizes it against the corrupting influence of Free Magic. * Though to be fair to Free Magic, it wasn't corrupting before The Charter was created. It's just that when they made the charter they left out everything they didn't like. It was actually more like the force before, and then got made into Functional Magic. * Foreshadowing: Quite a lot regarding The Reveal of the Disreputable Dog's identity as Kibeth, the Walker: * Her first question after being summoned? "When are we going for a walk?" This continues to be her number one favorite activity thereafter. * Where Mogget's collar is an incredibly powerful binding spell, the Dog's is more like a Charter Stone. She helped make the Charter, so her collar is a physical manifestation of her connection to it. * When Lirael is cornered by Hedge, she manages to get away by blowing a pipe at random. The one she gets? Kibeth, because Kibeth a) likes her and wants to protect her and b) is right across the border with Life. * When discussing how some Free Magic creatures don't mind running water, the Dog says that it's no barrier to "those of the Third Kindred, or anything bearing the essence of the Nine." She, a Free Magic creature, is on a boat in the middle of a huge river as she says this. * After a man with a crossbow attempts to kill Sam and Lirael from a bridge, the Dog howls, and he jumps to his death. Her explanation? "I made him walk." What else do we know that can do that? * Functional Magic: Several varieties: Rule for Charter, Wild for Free, and a mixture of Theurgy and Device Magic for the Abhorsen. * Gender Equals Breed: The usual "Dogs are Boys, Cats are Girls" is inverted. The Disreputable Dog is actually a "Disreputable Bitch, if you want to get technical". If she's a bitch, Mogget is a certainly a bastard. * Geometric Magic: The Charter Marks are unique and named runes, each of which has its own power, which can be written with hand or sword, or even whistled or barked (if one is so inclined.) * Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: The Dog is prone to biting people who she feels deserve it. * God Was My Co-Pilot: The Disreputable Dog (Kibeth) and Mogget (Yrael). * Go Mad From the Revelation: The Book of the Dead has a mechanism built in to prevent readers from remembering some of the less pleasant parts unless they need them, since otherwise they risk this. * Great Big Book of Everything: The Book of the Dead. * Happily Married: Eighteen years after their escapades in the first book, which caused many a Squee, Sabriel and Touchstone are shown to be very satisfied together, while not verging into mushy territory. * Hellish Horse: Hedge has one. It is on fire. * The Hero's Birthday: Lirael's book opens on her fourteenth birthday, completely despondent because she has not yet received the Sight. * Heroic Bastard: Touchstone. * Heroic Lineage: All the Charter Bloodlines, especially the Abhorsens. * Heroic Self-Deprecation: Lirael and Sam. Even Touchstone, to an extent. * Hidden Agenda Villain: Aside from his stated desire to torture all the remaining carriers of the Abhorsen bloodline to death in vengeance for his millennia of servitude, when Mogget acts independently, his motives are never quite clear. * Hufflepuff House: The (live) Southerlings in Abhorsen, who border on being a Mauve Shirt Army. * Human Popsicle: Touchstone has been sealed for 200 years as a wooden figurehead to a ship * I Lied: The Reveal that The Disreputable Dog is Kibeth directly contradicts an earlier statement, when she said she wasn't one of the Seven. This is the explanation: "After all, I am the Disreputable Dog." * Improbable Weapon User: Bells? A mirror? And panpipes at the gates of doom? * Improvised Weapon: In Lirael, Sam and his classmates fend off zombies with cricket equipment. (Note: the book pre-dates Shaun of the Dead by three years.) * Incendiary Exponent: Quite a few of the higher-level Dead are on fire. * Incest Is Relative: Sam's hitting on Lirael is less than welcome anyway, and then it turns out he's her nephew. She was conceived when her mother saw herself sleeping with Lirael's father, who is technically her very distant cousin. * Intellectual Animal: Several, particularly the Disreputable Dog and Mogget. * In the Blood: Lirael's morbid personality and even her idea to kill herself in Lirael make sense when one learns she is the last Abhorsen's daughter. She also has a strong affinity to Free Magic, the pipes and bells, and the Book of the Dead, despite having no exposure at all in her upbringing. She's also the one of the most powerful Clayr ever in terms of Charter Magic, since, aside from the Sight, most Clayr tend to be rather weak with it by themselves. * Iron Lady: Sabriel in the later books, acting as Queen. * It Is Not Your Time: At one point, Sabriel is killed, but when she enters Death she is greeted by the spirits of her ancestors, who tell her she cannot go with them until there is another to carry on the family line. * Fridge Logic: What's Lirael besides someone to carry on the family line? Sabriel's own kids ended up being irrelevant to that bloodline anyways. * Well, the two obvious reasons are A.)Garth Nix hadn't thought up Lirael yet B.) Lirael was barely a newborn baby at that time. * Kid with the Leash: Played with with Mogget. The Abhorsen has his leash, all right, but there's a very good reason they keep him on it. * Kill It with Fire: One of the ways of dealing with the Dead, especially those who aren't fazed by running water. * Kill It with Water: Nearly all of the Dead have trouble crossing running water; this is why the Abhorsen's House is built in the middle of a river, right above the edge of a waterfall, only reachable on foot by hopping across a series of rather precarious stepping stones. And if the Dead decide to lay siege... well, the river's fed by the Clayr's glacier, and the Abhorsens keep a block of ice in their basement for a reason. * The Kingdom: The Old Kingdom, capitol city: Belisaire. * Lady of War: Sabriel in the later books. * Laser-Guided Amnesia: Most of the stuff written in the Book of the Dead is forgotten the moment it is read, and the reader only remembers when it is required. * Last Boy Wins: For Lirael. She first encountered a visitor in the Clayr's Glacier, but was too depressed (and fourteen years old) to notice he was trying to ask her out. Then she met Sam, while he was busy running away and she was undertaking a voyage to find out what Hedge was up to and Sam turned out to be her nephew, so yeah. Last guy she meets? Nick Sayre. The series ends with the two obviously attracted to each other, but not actually dating yet. * Lineage Comes From the Father: * For Sabriel, Lirael and Ellimere. However, averted with Sabriel's father -- his aunt trained him -- and with Sam, who inherits neither of his parents' Heroic Lineages, since Ellimere is the heiress to the throne and Lirael is the Abhorsen-in-Waiting. Luckily for Sam, he gets his own ability as a Wallmaker - the first in nearly a millennium. * Also Averted with Lirael's ability as a Remembrancer, that is, the ability to see into the past, something which can only come from being a child of both the Abhorsen and the Clayr. * Long Lost Sibling: Lirael is Sabriel's half-sister. * Mad Oracle: The Clayr. An entire clan built of this. In most circumstances, their power of Sight is divided among the hundreds of Clayr, granting each of its members with random fragments of possible futures. This also gives them a rather incoherent sense of time and causality (which might help explain the number of one-night stands they have.) * Magic Mirror: The Dark Mirror, a handheld portal into the past, only workable by Remembrancers. By walking into Death and reciting the incantation, the user can see into past events. The farther back one wants to look, the farther into Death she must walk. * Magic Music: The necromancers' and Abhorsens' bells. Each of the seven -- named for the creators of the Charter -- has a different effect. One of the bells casts the listeners deep into the realm of Death, but if you're appropriately skilled and/or powerful, you can just walk back. * Magical Gesture: Charter Magic is done by drawing the signs on the air, with hands or with sword-tip. A diamond of protection is drawn with one's sword. And, of course, using the magical bells requires gestures (different ways of ringing will produce different effects), so this all crosses over into Ritual Magic. * Magical Girl: Technically, Sabriel and Lirael. * Magical Library: The Library of the Clayr. It's carved out of glacier and is the largest repository of magic books and monsters around. It's keept in order by Crazy Prepared Magical Libarians. * Magic Versus Science: Magic tends to win. * Male Frontal Nudity: Touchstone, when Sabriel first meets him. * And Nick, when Lirael first meets him. In both cases, the pair end up a couple. * Meaningful Name: Clayr -> clairvoyance, anyone? * This troper always though Clair/Clare, which is a name which means clear, like the Clayr's Sight (usually) and the pane of ice they focus their Sight onto to visually see the future. * That's because both suggestions have the same root - "clairvoyant" literally means "clear-seeing" in French. * The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Lirael can make skins that allow her to take on the form of an otter, or a bear, or an owl, but each one alters her temperament and perception for a while, even when she takes them off (the otter-skin gives her a great craving for fish, the bear-skin makes her extra irritable, and the owl-skin makes her more sensitive to light, for example.) * Muggle Born of Mages: * What Lirael initially believes herself to be, as a teenage Clayr who has yet to receive the Sight. She's not. She doesn't get the Sight only because she inherited her father's abilities as a future Abhorsen. * It seems at first like Sam is this, as his sister is clearly the future queen and he's pretty hopeless at his Abhorsen-in-Waiting training, which we later find out is because Lirael is the true Abhorsen-in-Waiting. However, it's subverted at the end when we find out that Sam has his own ability, as a Wallmaker. * Naked on Arrival: Touchstone * Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Astarael, the Sorrowful; also, the Weeper: If you hear it, you die. * Also Orannis, The Destroyer. * Night of the Living Mooks * Offscreen Teleportation: Mogget and the Dog. * Ominous Fog: Since light is damaging to the Dead, fog is sometimes used instead of darkness as a cover for a large group of Dead. When Kerrigor crosses the Wall with an army of Dead, he brings fog with him. * Omnicidal Maniac: Orannis, and by extension, Hedge. * One-Gender Race: Though there are some male Clayr, seemingly all of the named ones are women. They're also all blonde, willowy, and tanned. There is no plot reason why there shouldn't be many male Clayr, though. They're just not common. * The Clayr take lovers from among the wider population of the Old Kingdom, but they don't wed or stay together; the men go back to their lives. It's possible that boys born to the Clayr are much less likely to have the Sight than girls, and un-Sighted boys are sent to live with their fathers. Though this seems like something Lirael would have noticed. * Or they use their powers to pick a time when they will fall pregnant with a child which will be gifted, in the same way that Lirael's mother did. * Orphan's Ordeal: In Sabriel, Sabriel's father has vanished and sent her the Abhorsen's tools of the trade. She heads up to the Old Kingdom to investigate, and must come to terms with how little she really knows him, and how she cannot save him. * Our Zombies Are Different: Even if your guns work, don't bother with headshots. You have to destroy the entire body. And that's just the Dead Hands; the "Shadow Hands" don't even have proper physical bodies. Also, lesser undead have a hard time with running water, unless their bridge is made from earth taken from a grave. * Psychic Powers: The Clayr are magical clairvoyants. * The Power of Blood: Blood from a Charter mage - and especially one of the Charter Bloodlines - has great powers, especially for destruction. * Prescience Is Predictable: The Clayr. At least, they like it when it is. * Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Sabriel and Lirael. * Refusal of the Call: Sameth as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting. The Call wasn't actually for him, though. He just happened to be standing closest to the phone. And when he does get his proper call, as a Wallmaker, he gladly accepts it. * Restraining Bolt: Mogget's collar. Don't take it off if you value your life. * Unless you feed him a tin of sardines, first. * Retcon: The waterfall which separates the first and second precincts of Death is described as "getting louder" when an entity passes through it from the second to the first precinct in Sabriel, but in Lirael when an entity passing through causes the waterfall to go silent. * The plot of the later books might qualify, as there's no reference to the Bright Shiners or Mogget's dual identity as Yrael in the first book. * But there is an impediment on anyone's ability to talk about the Charter in the first book. * Ritual Magic: Charter magic. * Role Called: The titles of the three books taken together make an example of this: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen. * Royal Blood: Not only the kingship, but the Abhorsen and the Clayr are also defined by bloodline. At the beginning of the story, the kingdom has gone to pot because there's no legitimate heir of royal blood to take the throne. * Royals Who Actually Do Something * Save Both Worlds: Ancelstierre ends up at risk from both Kerrigor and the Destroyer, and as the Abhorsen will probably tell you, The World Is Always Doomed in the Old Kingdom. * Sealed Evil in a Can: Lots, ranging from the seriously dangerous to all but the very skilled to the World-Destroying God-Thing. The Clayr Library, for starters, keeps sets of tools lain out centuries ago for precisely the main character, as well as various Free Magic monsters and an artifact capable of summoning one of the beings which created the world. And it's an effing library. * It is made clear that it's a rather unusual library. Badass Bookworm status is essentially required to work there. * In fact, Lirael gets an enchanted whistle that's basically there to call for help. The gist of the conversation: "What's the whistle for?" "In case you run into something." * It's positioned so you don't need your arms to blow it... in case something's holding your arms. * And then there's the regulation magical voice-activated clockwork mouse that runs back to the Reading Room and sounds the alarm in case you get into trouble and no-one is in earshot of the enchanted whistle... * Sealed Chaos In A Teddy Bear: Mogget. * Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The Clayr live on these. They initiate new members into their ranks when they See themselves initiating her! Although presumably, their powers awake shortly after. And they do occasionally hand out jobs which haven't been forecast. * Semi-Divine: Four of the Nine poured most of their power into mortal bloodlines; the Clayr, the Abhorsen, the royal family and the Wallmakers. Consequently, although not directly related to a deity, they all do have powers inherited from a god (or close enough). * Servile Snarker: Mogget, since he's basically an enslaved Eldritch Abomination of godlike power and does not appreciate the magic compelling him to always help the Abhorsens. Being completely insufferable is his only way around it. * Shout-Out: The job of Sabriel's family, Abhorsen, shares a name with the executioner in Measure for Measure. * Sociopathic Hero: Mogget toes -- or paws -- the line between this and Hidden Agenda Villain. * The Soulsaver: Part of the Abhorsen's job description. * Songs in the Key of Lock: A shortcut to Abhorsen's House in Sabriel will only open to the sound of Mosrael, a bell which is otherwise never used in the series (it sends the ringer into Death.) * Start of Darkness: The yet-to-be-released fourth book in the series will be about an Abhorsen named Clariel...a.k.a. Chlorr. * Strong Family Resemblance: Thanks to Superpowerful Genetics, the Abhorsens are all Pale-Skinned Brunettes who get sunburned absurdly fast and the Clayr are all Dark Skinned Blondes with a severe shortage of men. * Superpowerful Genetics: Several of the creators of the world invested their power in bloodlines. As a result, the Abhorsens, the royal family, the Clayr, and the Wallmakers all tend to manifest special powers and traits. * There Are No Therapists: After Sameth goes into death alone and is mind-controlled by Hedge, he is taken back to the Old Kingdom, whereupon his mother decides leaving him in the care of his sister is a better idea than staying and ensuring he's in a sound state of mind. Jusitified, to an extent, as one of the smaller plot points is that everyone is too busy (his parents) or too self-assured (his sister) to notice his massive unsuitability for the position of Abhorsen-in-waiting; given this, it is unsurprising that they did not spend the time or understanding required to counsel him after a traumatic experience in Death. * His mother couldn't have stayed with him if she wanted; her job description is to run around the country saving people from the Dead. * Also, until his traumatic encounter with Hedge, Sam probably didn't seem so massively unsuitable. His family knew he was traumatized but were too busy to realize the direction the trauma took. Especially since Sam was ashamed to reveal it. * They Do: Sabriel and Touchstone * This Is Sparta: "Dig faster, for I...must...be...whole...again!" * Top-Heavy Guy: Kerrigor. In Sabriel, his construct body is described as being ridiculously tall and barrel-chested, as though he was trying to remake his old self, but lacking "taste, memory, or skill." (How un-fabulous.) * Took a Level In Badass: In the novella, Nick fights an ancient Free Magic elemental and an army of evil shadow government agents with basically whatever's handy. Word of God says that this story was intended to be something of a joke: Nick looks like a Badass by normal standards, but he faints during his failed attempt to poison the elemental, only to have Lirael (still a novice Abhorsen-in-Waiting) swoop in and defeat the creature with nothing but a thistle. * Two-Part Trilogy: Lirael and Abhorsen were conceived of as one book. * Unexplained Recovery: The Dog bends the rules when it suits her, and it suited her to bring back Nick. * Unstuck in Time: The Clayr live like this. See Mad Oracle. * Weakened by the Light: Lesser Dead creatures aren't so keen on traveling by day. * What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: the "blue-hatted, blue-scarved" refugees the Ancelstierran government constantly screws over. * Wham! Episode: The prologue to Abhorsen is an account of the brutal assassination of Sabriel and Touchstone on foreign ground, using modern weaponry. They received very little screen time in Lirael and are only revealed to have survived a third of the way through Abhorsen (and the attack still killed all but one of the royal escort), making it especially shocking, particularly if reading the trilogy start to finish. Their deaths are even more convincing due to a subtle perspective shift in the narration which falls just short of lying to the reader's face. * That prologue was included as a teaser at the end of some editions of Lirael, which may increase the shock value even further. * When You Coming Home, Dad?: Sabriel's father, Sabriel herself, and even Lirael's mother, sort of. * "I have not been an ideal parent, I know. None of us ever is." * Wild Magic: Free magic. * You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Poor, poor Nicholas Sayre. * Zombie Apocalypse: Dead Hands, which are corpses reanimated and somehow deformed by Free Magic, are mindless, squishy, and very persistent. In Lirael, Sabriel and Touchstone think that making enough of them to overrun the entire continent is Hedge's plan; unfortunately, it turns out they're rather underestimating the damage he intends to cause.
  • Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to the period in the 3rd millennium BCE when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization in complexity and achievement – the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods, which mark the high points of civilization in the lower Nile Valley (the others being Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom). The term itself was coined by nineteenth century historians and the distinction between the Old Kingdom and the Early Dynastic Period is not one which would have been recognized by Ancient Egyptians. Not only was the last king of the Early Dynastic Period related to the first two kings of the Old Kingdom, but the 'capital', the royal residence, remained at Ineb-Hedg, the Ancient Egyptian name for Memphis. The basic justification for a separation between the two periods is the revolutionary change in architecture accompanied by the effects on Egyptian society and economy of large-scale building projects. The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period of time when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through to the Sixth Dynasty (2686 BC – 2134 BCE). Many Egyptologists also include the Memphite Seventh and Eighth Dynasties in the Old Kingdom as a continuation of the administration centralized at Memphis. The Old Kingdom was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline referred to by Egyptologists as the First Intermediate Period. The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at Memphis, where Djoser established his court. The Old Kingdom is perhaps best known for the large number of pyramids constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids."
  • The Old Kingdom, or as it was known during its time, The Kingdom of Albion and The Kingdom of Archon, was an ancient kingdom founded by William Black and ruled by the Archons. - from "The Old Kingdom", a book that can be found in a bookshelf in the Heroes' Guild.
  • It’s a nation created by militaries that were against the Saint Kingdom’s visions. It became a military nation formed around the army that was resurrected by the King of Elgo’s bastard son. They are best known for their rigid authoritarianism. For this reason, many of their people were exiled or severely punished. Enraged by this, the people united to fight against the army and many civil wars were fought. The situation went out of their control and the nation was on its way to destruction. To defeat the Saint Kingdom and revive their royal power are their primary objectives. Their regime system is very similar to the Roman Senate.
  • The Old Kingdom is the third period of time during the campaign in Pharaoh.
  • Under King Djoser, the second king of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, the royal capital of Egypt was moved to Memphis, where Djoser established his court. A new era of building was initiated at Saqqara under his reign. King Djoser's architect, Imhotep is credited with the development of building with stone and with the conception of the new architectural form—the Step Pyramid. Indeed, the Old Kingdom is perhaps best known for the large number of pyramids constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids."
  • The Old Kingdom is the name commonly given to that period in the 3rd millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization complexity and achievement — this was the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods, which mark the high points of civilization in the Nile Valley (the others being Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom). The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period of time when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through to the Sixth Dynasty (2575 BC–2134 BC). Many Egyptologists also include the Memphite Seventh Dynasty and Eighth Dynasties in the Old Kingdom as a continuation of the administration centralized at Memphis. The Old Kingdom was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline referred to by Egyptologists as the First Intermediate Period. The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at Memphis, where Djoser established his court. The Old Kingdom is perhaps best known, however, for the large number of pyramids, which were constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids."
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