thumb|300px|right|Brett: Kill it!
Alyssa: Brett! Here comes another one!
Brett: Kill it!
Alyssa: Eat this!
:Run out the door
Brett: Wait!
:Jonathon runs to Frank
Jonathan: You still breathin' there, buddy?
Alyssa: Are you alive?
Jonathan: You've got some real balls man. You got some business with us?
Frank: There's a helicopter coming. It'll be here on Friday. I thought you might want a ride. Come with me, and you'll be out of this hell in no time.
Jonathan: Where's it supposed to land? There's zombies everywhere!
Alyssa: Zombies everywhere!
Frank: There's a heliport on the roof, over in the Entrance Plaza.
Jonathan: But the Security Room door's sealed! Sealed tight! A dead end! I saw it! I know what I saw!
Frank: There's a duct on the roof of Paradise Plaza. It's a straight shot to the Security Room from there.
Alyssa: Sounds fishy to me!
Jonathan: Will you shut up for once, Alyssa!
Jonathan: Not that I trust you completely either, man. Brett! What do you think?
Brett: How bout some proof?
Jonathan: You heard the man. Go find your DUCT and take a picture of it with the camera you got there. Then we can talk.
:''Give a picture of the rooftop duct to Jonathan.
Frank: Feast your eyes on this.
Jonathan: Looks kosher to me! Brett!
Brett: Let's do it! Lead the way man.