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- IMDb AlloCiné [ Instagram] [ Twitter] Peter Dinklage né le 11 juin 1969 à Morristown, aux États-Unis, est un acteur américain. Il interprète le rôle de Tyrion Lannister dans la première, deuxième, troisième, quatrième, cinquième, sixième et septième saison de Game of Thrones.
- Peter Dinklage hat zwei ältere Brüder. Er hat Anchrodoplasie, ein Typ des Minderwuchses, bei welchem der Rumpf vollständig ausgebildet ist, allerdings die Arm- und Beinknochen verkürzt sind. Er ist in etwa 135 cm groß. Anders als sein Bruder John und seine Eltern, welche eine normale Körpergröße haben. Dinklage ist irischer und deutscher Herkunft. Seine deutschen Vorfahren lassen sich bis auf die "von Dincklage" zurückverfolgen. Im Laufe des 2. Weltkriegs legte seine Familie das "von" im Namenszusatz ab.
- One kid's name is Jordan Prentice and he is definitely the most jealous one of them all! He told me that he wished it was him starring in The Station Agent instead of me since he was such a better actor, but I knew he was lying! I saw him in In Bruges and Colin Farrell totally outacted him. Jordan can't act his way out of a box! If he ever got caught in a box and had to act his way out, he'd definitely die instead.
- Peter Dinklage (born June 11, 1969) is an American Golden Globe-winning actor and film producer who has worked in television, film, and on stage. He has starred in Game of Thrones as Tyrion Lannister since Season 1.
- Peter Dinklage portrayed Bolivar Trask in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
- Dinklage is credited as the voice of Mr. Stone in "Secondhand Spoke" in the official FOX press release.[1] However, he is not included in the on screen credits in the role which is performed by John Viener. The DVD commentary for "Christmas Guy" mentions that a big-name actor was replaced this season after reading the role when it was felt it didn't work out.
- Peter Dinklage is an American actor, active in the industry since the mid-1990s. Dinklage appears in Sesame Street season 44. Speaking of his experience filming with Muppeteers he says, " I did Sesame Street a little while ago, and those puppeteers are hilariously dirty. When the kids aren’t around, it’s like being in a muppet brothel. I think that’s how they keep their sanity. When you’re doing stuff for kids all day, you have to unload every once in a while. I had a muppet humping my leg. It was fantastic."
- Peter Hayden Dinklage, born in Morristown, New Jersey, is an actor. He voices the Gigantopithecus Gutt in Ice Age: Continental Drift. Born to Diane and John Carl Dinklage, an elementary school music teacher and a retired insurance salesman, respectively, Dinklage was born with the medical condition achondroplasia. Dinklage grew up in Mendham Township, a town in New Jersey, and is of German and Irish descent: his German forefathers were relatives of the Westphalian noble family "von Dincklage". During World War II, Dinklage's family removed "von" from their name, changing it to "Dinklage". Dinklage graduated from Delbarton School in Morristown in 1987 and from Bennington College in 1991. Dinklage made his film debut in the film Living in Oblivion, in which he portrayed an agitated dwarf act
- Seine wohl bekanntesten Rollenauftritte hatte Dinklage in Station Agent, als Marlowe Sawyer in der TV-Serie Nip/Tuck – Schönheit hat ihren Preis , im Film Penelope und als Trumpkin in Die Chroniken von Narnia: Prinz Kaspian von Narnia.
- Peter Dinklage (ur. 11 czerwca 1969 w Morristown) – urodzony w Stanach Zjednoczonych aktor, najbardziej znany z roli Tyriona Lannistera w serialu Gra o tron. Rozpoczynał karierę rolami w teatrzyku szkolnym. Na ekranie zadebiutował w 1995 roku rolą w Filmowy zawrót głowy. Przez lata grywał głównie role epizodyczne. Przełomową dla jego kariery okazała się rola w niskobudżetowym filmie Toma McCarthy’ego, Dróżnik. Znakomite recenzje dzieła oraz gry samego Dinklage sprawiły, iż środowisko hollywoodzkie doceniło jego talent aktorski, czego efektem były kolejne, tym razem już znaczące role. W 2006 aktor zagrał jedną z głównych ról w filmie Sidneya Lumeta Uznajcie mnie za winnego, w którym jego partnerem był Vin Diesel. W 2012 roku otrzymał Złoty Glob w kategorii Najlepszy aktor drugoplanowy w ser
- Dinklage was born in Morristown, New Jersey, the son of Diane, an elementary school music teacher, and John Carl Dinklage, a retired insurance salesman. He is of German and Irish descent. Dinklage was born with achondroplasia. He grew up in Mendham Township, New Jersey, and graduated from Delbarton School in Morristown in 1987, and from Bennington College in 1991. In 2005, Dinklage married Erica Schmidt, a theatre director. In 2011, they had their first child, a daughter.