| - Pâté is a mixture of ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste. Common additions include vegetables, herbs, spices, and wine. Meat, poultry or seafood is minced and combined with herbs and other ingredients, cooked in a bain Marie and served chilled, it may have a layer of aspic to retain freshness, it is usually served as an hors d´œuvre. Not to be confused with pâte which is French for pasta or pastry.
- Pâté is a Dancing Master who tutors Ceviche. He made his first appearance in "Chowder's Girlfriend" where he was hired by Chowder to sing a song entitled, "I'm not your boyfriend!", to Panini. His next appearance was in "The Apprentice Games," where he and his apprentice Ceviché were competing for the sake of having fun while the other contenders were only in it for the awards. After witnessing the selfishness and brutality exhibited by the other competitors, he explained that the games were supposed to be about having fun. Soon afterward, he and Ceviché discarded their medals and disappeared into a portal in the sky.
| - Pâté is a mixture of ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste. Common additions include vegetables, herbs, spices, and wine. Meat, poultry or seafood is minced and combined with herbs and other ingredients, cooked in a bain Marie and served chilled, it may have a layer of aspic to retain freshness, it is usually served as an hors d´œuvre. Not to be confused with pâte which is French for pasta or pastry.
- Pâté is a Dancing Master who tutors Ceviche. He made his first appearance in "Chowder's Girlfriend" where he was hired by Chowder to sing a song entitled, "I'm not your boyfriend!", to Panini. His next appearance was in "The Apprentice Games," where he and his apprentice Ceviché were competing for the sake of having fun while the other contenders were only in it for the awards. After witnessing the selfishness and brutality exhibited by the other competitors, he explained that the games were supposed to be about having fun. Soon afterward, he and Ceviché discarded their medals and disappeared into a portal in the sky. He also appeared in Panini For President, where he supervised the apprentices' speeches, and has appeared periodically throughout the series as a backup character. Namely, in the following episodes:
* The Lollistops (he appeared briefly to tell Chowder and Gazpacho that the next obstacle was a Doozie.)
* The Grape Worm (where he spots Jam and proceeds to tell everyone that Gazpacho had a grape worm at his stand, inciting a riot.)
* The Dice Cycle (Chowder accuses Ceviché of wrecking his Dice Cycle, whereupon Mung challenges Pâté to a duel to settle the matter.)