| - The Proton Grenade (also known as Ecto-Grenade) is a modified hand grenade that emits a discharge harmful to supernatural entities.
- [Source] Proton grenades, also known as proton charges, were small packets of explosives that were either thrown by hand, loaded into mortars, and sometimes loaded into a ship's bombing bay. These grenades were activated by flipping a small switch on one side, and exploded on contact. In 23 BBY, before the Clone Wars, 18-year-old Anakin Skywalker used a hypermatter reactor-planted proton grenade to destroy the counterfeit Sun Runner transport fabricated by Groodo the Hutt in his Jedi-foiled scheme to destroy the Fondor Shipyards.
| - The Proton Grenade (also known as Ecto-Grenade) is a modified hand grenade that emits a discharge harmful to supernatural entities.
- [Source] Proton grenades, also known as proton charges, were small packets of explosives that were either thrown by hand, loaded into mortars, and sometimes loaded into a ship's bombing bay. These grenades were activated by flipping a small switch on one side, and exploded on contact. In 23 BBY, before the Clone Wars, 18-year-old Anakin Skywalker used a hypermatter reactor-planted proton grenade to destroy the counterfeit Sun Runner transport fabricated by Groodo the Hutt in his Jedi-foiled scheme to destroy the Fondor Shipyards. Proton grenades were used mostly by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Rebels, planetary defense forces, and smugglers. However, they were also occasionally used by the official military, (Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic), but the thermal detonator was generally preferred. Imperial spacetroopers were known to use this weapon to breach ship hulls. During the Battle of Endor, Han Solo and his commandos used several Merr-Sonn 7-PrGs to destroy the Endor shield generator bunker.