| - Then, there came Biological Evolution. In the Year of Our Lord 1859, a mere mortal, Charles Darwin, claimed to have created human beings from chimpanzees, and giraffes from horses, and to have populated the world with living beings that evolve over time via a race in which only the fittest survive. And this was Not Good. Indeed, thereafter, in the Year of our Lord 2000, the scientific community unequivocally smacked-down the concept of Intelligent Design as incompatible with the Scientific Method and inferior to Mr. Darwin's Theory of Biological Evolution. And this was Not Good.
| - Then, there came Biological Evolution. In the Year of Our Lord 1859, a mere mortal, Charles Darwin, claimed to have created human beings from chimpanzees, and giraffes from horses, and to have populated the world with living beings that evolve over time via a race in which only the fittest survive. And this was Not Good. So it came to pass from the land of Sea-ttle, Intelligent Design was made manifest. In the Year of Our Lord 1999, the Discovery Institute demonstrated that all living beings were created out of cloth cut by an Intelligent Designer, or supernatural creator, and thereby provided an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins that was a thinly-disguised theological counter-argument against the possibility of Biological Evolution. And this was Good, but not good enough. Indeed, thereafter, in the Year of our Lord 2000, the scientific community unequivocally smacked-down the concept of Intelligent Design as incompatible with the Scientific Method and inferior to Mr. Darwin's Theory of Biological Evolution. And this was Not Good. Hark! Whence came the Second Coming of the Savior Jesus Christ in the Year of Our Lord 2012, whom in His wisdom and compassion delivered unto humanity the concept of Not-So-Intelligent Design, which serves both as a Law of God on par with the Ten Commandments and a Law of Physics on par with Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Thermodynamics. And The Lamb of God declared: "All life on Earth was designed by My Father, albeit some of the aforementioned life was not designed in an optimal manner. But all of it was Good Enough. And this was Good." Since the Second Coming and the Advent of Not-So-Intelligent Design, the scientific community has been at a complete and total loss to respond to or argue against the concept of Not-So-Intelligent Design, and has thus far been unable to revive Biological Evolution and Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" as appropriate explanations for the origins of species that currently populate the Earth.