| - A fan website is a website that is created by one or more fans for the benefit of other fans. Such websites may serve a variety of different functions including the following:
* Archive: a website that collects some particular type of material created by fans that might otherwise prove ephemeral (such as fan fiction, fan art, posts to mailing lists, screen captures, smaller websites).
* Faction site: a website created by a group of fans to express their interest and participation in a particular subgroup within the main fandom.
* Hub: a website created to provide fans with a central location for information about fans and fandom, especially info on fan sites and chat rooms, official websites and fan clubs, and sources of merchandise.
* Info(rmation) site or FAQ site (Frequent
| - A fan website is a website that is created by one or more fans for the benefit of other fans. Such websites may serve a variety of different functions including the following:
* Archive: a website that collects some particular type of material created by fans that might otherwise prove ephemeral (such as fan fiction, fan art, posts to mailing lists, screen captures, smaller websites).
* Faction site: a website created by a group of fans to express their interest and participation in a particular subgroup within the main fandom.
* Hub: a website created to provide fans with a central location for information about fans and fandom, especially info on fan sites and chat rooms, official websites and fan clubs, and sources of merchandise.
* Info(rmation) site or FAQ site (Frequently Asked Questions): a website created to provide information about a fandom and/or its object of adoration.
* Personal site: a website created by an individual. Besides fan-related material, such websites may also contain more personal material, such as the fan's résumé or photographs of family and pets.
* Resource site: a website created to provide a resource within the fandom for other fans to use (e.g. when writing fiction or creating webpages), whether information about canon or ancillary information related to the object of adoration.
* Tribute site: usually part of a personal site; created by a fan to express his/her own interest in one or more fandoms by describing the object of adoration, usually with some appropriate graphics. Also known as a shrine.
* War site: in Forever Knight fandom, a site created to archive one of the FK Wars; or created by a faction to document its participation (often including permission slips and character info on the fans taking part).
* Wiki: a site which users collaboratively edit (such as this Forever Knight wiki), often used to create a fannish encyclopedia.