| - Those informations are/may be very outdated, please go to: new wiki Not to rarely there are people wondering "why is MegaGlest lagging?" There is, unfortunately, not a single answer to this question, but your experince can vary much based on a three factors: hardware, software, networking. This guide will discuss these factors, tell you how to find out which one affects you and what can be done about it.
| - Those informations are/may be very outdated, please go to: new wiki Not to rarely there are people wondering "why is MegaGlest lagging?" There is, unfortunately, not a single answer to this question, but your experince can vary much based on a three factors: hardware, software, networking. This guide will discuss these factors, tell you how to find out which one affects you and what can be done about it. Please be aware this guide is written for patient users, since only they will be able to solve such issues. If you are not prepared to spend some time on it, then please don't expect any improvement. Otherwise, if you do, you will likely be able to identify the cause of the lag, and can take counter measures.