The 25th Episode of the Love Hina anime series was created and released as a DVD bonus episode directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and written by Sho Aikawa. As with the anime episodes, the 25th Episode featured character designs designed by Makoto Uno, based on those designed by Ken Akamatsu, and possessed the opening theme song Sakura Saku as well as the closing theme Kimi Sae Ireba. The bonus episode appeared on the Love Hina X-mas Special: Silent Eve Christmas special DVD, released in Japan on July 4, 2001, in North America on December 3, 2002 and in the United Kingdom on November 7, 2005.
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| - Love Hina (anime) Episode 25
| - The 25th Episode of the Love Hina anime series was created and released as a DVD bonus episode directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and written by Sho Aikawa. As with the anime episodes, the 25th Episode featured character designs designed by Makoto Uno, based on those designed by Ken Akamatsu, and possessed the opening theme song Sakura Saku as well as the closing theme Kimi Sae Ireba. The bonus episode appeared on the Love Hina X-mas Special: Silent Eve Christmas special DVD, released in Japan on July 4, 2001, in North America on December 3, 2002 and in the United Kingdom on November 7, 2005.
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Box Title
| - #25: Motoko's Choice, Love or the Sword: Don't Cry
| - The 25th Episode of the Love Hina anime series was created and released as a DVD bonus episode directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and written by Sho Aikawa. As with the anime episodes, the 25th Episode featured character designs designed by Makoto Uno, based on those designed by Ken Akamatsu, and possessed the opening theme song Sakura Saku as well as the closing theme Kimi Sae Ireba. The bonus episode appeared on the Love Hina X-mas Special: Silent Eve Christmas special DVD, released in Japan on July 4, 2001, in North America on December 3, 2002 and in the United Kingdom on November 7, 2005. When the anime was later used as the source for a comic based on the anime, Love Hina Anime Comics, the television series, unaired 25th episode, and the Xmas and Spring specials were all included in the series.
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