MW is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Big Comic in Japan from 1976–78 and was published in English translation by Vertical Inc. in 2007. A Japanese film adaptation was released in July 2009. MW is best classified as a thriller. The story follows a Japanese priest, Father Garai, his connection to criminal mastermind Michio Yuki and a mysterious chemical weapon developed by Occupying American Force in Japan. Also of note are the unapologetic and explicit homosexual relationships in the manga, back when they were still a novelty for the genre.
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| - MW is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Big Comic in Japan from 1976–78 and was published in English translation by Vertical Inc. in 2007. A Japanese film adaptation was released in July 2009. MW is best classified as a thriller. The story follows a Japanese priest, Father Garai, his connection to criminal mastermind Michio Yuki and a mysterious chemical weapon developed by Occupying American Force in Japan. Also of note are the unapologetic and explicit homosexual relationships in the manga, back when they were still a novelty for the genre.
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| - 2009-07-04(xsd:date)
- 2009-10-15(xsd:date)
- Japan:
- Hong Kong:
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| - Shinzô Matsuhashi
- Tetsuya Ôishi
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| - MW is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Big Comic in Japan from 1976–78 and was published in English translation by Vertical Inc. in 2007. A Japanese film adaptation was released in July 2009. MW is best classified as a thriller. The story follows a Japanese priest, Father Garai, his connection to criminal mastermind Michio Yuki and a mysterious chemical weapon developed by Occupying American Force in Japan. This manga series is notable because is can be seen as Tezuka's response to the gekiga ("dramatic pictures") artists who emerged in the 1960s and 70s and an attempt to beat them at their own game. The gekiga artists of this period created gritty, adult-oriented works that sharply contrasted the softer, Disney-influenced style that Tezuka was associated with, a style that was seen as being out-of-step with the times. Also of note are the unapologetic and explicit homosexual relationships in the manga, back when they were still a novelty for the genre.