| - The Mighty Ducks animated series was, to put it gently, rather a surprise for viewers expecting a comedy series about misfit kids playing hockey. This animated series lasted from September, 1996 to January, 1997. When the Ducks pursue Lord Dragaunus to Earth, the Ducks form an NHL team where they can hide in plain sight. Their arena, known only as "The Pond", has a hockey rink that doubles as a landing pad for the Aerowing above and has an HQ below. The Ducks and Dragaunus continue their fight, although there are other villains that sometimes challenge the Ducks. Compare Dinosaucers.
| - The Mighty Ducks animated series was, to put it gently, rather a surprise for viewers expecting a comedy series about misfit kids playing hockey. This animated series lasted from September, 1996 to January, 1997. It was instead about (sit down for this) a team of super-powered anthropomorphic ducks who fight aliens with hockey-themed gadgets. Yes, somewhere in space there were two dinosaur-derived races. Interestingly, the race descended from Ceratopsians, led by Lord Dragaunus, were evil and the Therapod (well, more specifically, duck) descended race was good. By an incredible coincidence, the Ducks' entire culture was based upon hockey. When the Ducks pursue Lord Dragaunus to Earth, the Ducks form an NHL team where they can hide in plain sight. Their arena, known only as "The Pond", has a hockey rink that doubles as a landing pad for the Aerowing above and has an HQ below. The Ducks and Dragaunus continue their fight, although there are other villains that sometimes challenge the Ducks. Compare Dinosaucers. Despite being ducks created by Disney, they are not part of the Disney Duck Canon. One would be intrigued to see Scrooge's reaction to these guys...