| - The Colt Regan series of novels by Eric J. Chucci rests decidedly somewhere between Horror, Urban Fantasy, and Mystery. Colt Regan himself is a mustachioed Badass Longcoat demon hunter who resides in a re-designed Los Angeles, California. The books are written from Colt's point of view in the future and thus full of his own stubbornness, reactionary mood swings, and self-deprecating humor. There are two books in the series to date, a rumored nine total planned, and a tabletop RPG in the works as well. Novels in the series so far:
| - The Colt Regan series of novels by Eric J. Chucci rests decidedly somewhere between Horror, Urban Fantasy, and Mystery. Colt Regan himself is a mustachioed Badass Longcoat demon hunter who resides in a re-designed Los Angeles, California. The books are written from Colt's point of view in the future and thus full of his own stubbornness, reactionary mood swings, and self-deprecating humor. There are two books in the series to date, a rumored nine total planned, and a tabletop RPG in the works as well. Colt is an average Joe compared to the vampires, psychokinetics, demons, and were-people wandering the earth these days, but that doesn't stop him from sticking it to mindless monsters and conniving preternatural criminals. Helping him along are; Alex Asche, a psychometric goth kid; Joseph Cin, an incubus with an encyclopedic knowledge of the supernatural; and Myra Anderson, a were-fox social worker for the supernatually inclined. Novels in the series so far: 1.
* Demon Hunter (2010) 2.
* Super Human (2010) 3.
* Fortunate Son (2011)