"Jimmy Bulber in Oz" is an Oz short story, written in 1934 by Frank Joslyn Baum, eldest son of L. Frank Baum. The story features Zoru the witch, a character from the younger Baum's novel The Laughing Dragon of Oz. F. J. Baum printed "Jimmy Bulber" in an attempt to establish a trademark on the Oz name; he then demanded that his father's publisher Reilly & Lee stop issuing Oz books. The younger Baum's mother Maud Gage Baum, who owned the rights to her late husband's works, successfully sued her son to defeat his attempted coup on the Oz canon.
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| - "Jimmy Bulber in Oz" is an Oz short story, written in 1934 by Frank Joslyn Baum, eldest son of L. Frank Baum. The story features Zoru the witch, a character from the younger Baum's novel The Laughing Dragon of Oz. F. J. Baum printed "Jimmy Bulber" in an attempt to establish a trademark on the Oz name; he then demanded that his father's publisher Reilly & Lee stop issuing Oz books. The younger Baum's mother Maud Gage Baum, who owned the rights to her late husband's works, successfully sued her son to defeat his attempted coup on the Oz canon.
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| - "Jimmy Bulber in Oz" is an Oz short story, written in 1934 by Frank Joslyn Baum, eldest son of L. Frank Baum. The story features Zoru the witch, a character from the younger Baum's novel The Laughing Dragon of Oz. F. J. Baum printed "Jimmy Bulber" in an attempt to establish a trademark on the Oz name; he then demanded that his father's publisher Reilly & Lee stop issuing Oz books. The younger Baum's mother Maud Gage Baum, who owned the rights to her late husband's works, successfully sued her son to defeat his attempted coup on the Oz canon. "Jimmy Bulber" was reprinted in the 1974 issue of Oziana, illustrated by Mary Reynolds.