NetHack is a roguelike computer game, and the most famous and popular of its kind. The latest version is 3.4.3, released on 8 December 2003. NetHack can be downloaded at the official NetHack download page. It is also available in other languages. Vanilla NetHack refers to the version as it was released by the DevTeam, without any additional patches.
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- NetHack
- Nethack
- NetHack
- Nethack
| - NetHack is a roguelike computer game, and the most famous and popular of its kind. The latest version is 3.4.3, released on 8 December 2003. NetHack can be downloaded at the official NetHack download page. It is also available in other languages. Vanilla NetHack refers to the version as it was released by the DevTeam, without any additional patches.
- 180px|thumb|Nethack Orginal NetHack – gra komputerowa, która ma za zadania zająć czymś użytkownika systemów uniksopodobnych, gdy ten instaluje dziesiątki kolejnych programów. Gra o dziwo nie dotyczy komputerów, lecz jest grą RPG. Dzisiaj już nieznana wśród ludu, acz niektóre grupy (byłych) graczy gromadzą się na IRCowym kanale [irc:// #nethack].
- NetHack is a single-player roguelike computer game originally released in 1987. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980). The "net" element references that its development has been coordinated through the Internet. The "hack" element refers to being an offspring of Hack, and has nothing to do with the genre of role-playing games known as hack and slash for their focus on combat (even though NetHack is a hack and slash game). The player takes the part of a dungeon-delving character in search of the Amulet of Yendor. __TOC__
- NetHack is open source and remains one of the oldest computer games still actively developed, with new features and bug fixes added by a loose but secretive group of volunteers, commonly called the DevTeam. The DevTeam rarely discusses in public versions under development and releases new versions without notice. However, they do maintain a list of known bugs. Since NetHack is open source, others are free to release patches to the game between official, versioned releases.
- 키워드 : 넷핵, 넷트핵, NetHack
- Welcome to the NetHack category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Nethack" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of The Nethack DevTeam. Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without monetary gain. Should the license-holders object to this, it will be removed.
- NetHack is a single-player, open-source computer role-play game originally based on Dungeons and Dragons. The links between NetHack and D&D are deep, so it is not feasible to list them all. Over its long history, it has incorporated influences from almost all popular mythology and accumulated a vast depth of game play. Large areas are completely different from Dungeons and Dragons, e. g. the workings of magic have been completely revised. But still, much will be immediately familiar to a player of DnD.
- thumbNethack è un gioco di avventure fantasy, utilizzabile da riga di comando, che utilizza unicamente i caratteri ASCII per la grafica. E' una versione più evoluta di Hack, un gioco molto simile ispirato a Dungeons & Dragons. E' sviluppato per GNU/Linux. Rispetto a hack possiamo apprezzare diversi cambiamenti:
* l'uso dei colori;
* non è possibile colpire il cane per errore;
* il gioco è più equilibrato;
* le fontane magiche;
* le statue magiche;
* un help migliorato;
* altri cambiamenti minori.
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| - A released djinni grants the player a wish.
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| - Amiga, Atari, Linux, Mac, Msdos, OS/2, Windows, Windows CE
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| - NetHack is a roguelike computer game, and the most famous and popular of its kind. The latest version is 3.4.3, released on 8 December 2003. NetHack can be downloaded at the official NetHack download page. It is also available in other languages. Vanilla NetHack refers to the version as it was released by the DevTeam, without any additional patches.
- NetHack is a single-player, open-source computer role-play game originally based on Dungeons and Dragons. The links between NetHack and D&D are deep, so it is not feasible to list them all. Over its long history, it has incorporated influences from almost all popular mythology and accumulated a vast depth of game play. Large areas are completely different from Dungeons and Dragons, e. g. the workings of magic have been completely revised. But still, much will be immediately familiar to a player of DnD. The rogue-like genre of computer games was heavily influenced by NetHack. Like most rogue-likes, NetHack deserves its reputation of being hard. However, there are solutions to almost all difficulties. In practise, instead of solving riddles and following in-game hints and allusions, players read "spoilers" like the ones collected below. NetHack and its variants can be played both on your local computer (with various graphical interfaces) and by logging into a remote server (ascii only). Some 12.000 games are started per month on
- thumbNethack è un gioco di avventure fantasy, utilizzabile da riga di comando, che utilizza unicamente i caratteri ASCII per la grafica. E' una versione più evoluta di Hack, un gioco molto simile ispirato a Dungeons & Dragons. E' sviluppato per GNU/Linux. Nella consolle vediamo disegnata la mappa del dungeon, o meglio della parte che abbiamo già esplorato. Se sono visibili dal punto in cui ci troviamo, possiamo vedere anche mostri vaganti, il fedele cane che ci accompagna e ci aiuta in combattimento e vari oggetti. Ognuna di queste cose è rappresentata da un carattere o da un altro simbolo ASCII. Ogni lettera della tastiera rappresenta un'azione che possiamo compiere. Vi è comunque un ottimo help in due versioni (lunga e breve). Possiamo combattere, accumulare esperienza, imparare e lanciare incantesimi, raccogliere armature e armi, perfino comprarle quando troviamo i negozi, cercare passaggi segreti, cadere nelle trappole e così via. Il dungeon è diviso in molti livelli ed è quasi impossibile arrivare alla fine. E' possibile salvare la partita, ma una volta ripresa il salvataggio verrà cancellato. Il gioco è comunque molto divertente per gli amanti del genere. Rispetto a hack possiamo apprezzare diversi cambiamenti:
* l'uso dei colori;
* non è possibile colpire il cane per errore;
* il gioco è più equilibrato;
* le fontane magiche;
* le statue magiche;
* un help migliorato;
* altri cambiamenti minori.
- 180px|thumb|Nethack Orginal NetHack – gra komputerowa, która ma za zadania zająć czymś użytkownika systemów uniksopodobnych, gdy ten instaluje dziesiątki kolejnych programów. Gra o dziwo nie dotyczy komputerów, lecz jest grą RPG. Dzisiaj już nieznana wśród ludu, acz niektóre grupy (byłych) graczy gromadzą się na IRCowym kanale [irc:// #nethack].
- NetHack is a single-player roguelike computer game originally released in 1987. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980). The "net" element references that its development has been coordinated through the Internet. The "hack" element refers to being an offspring of Hack, and has nothing to do with the genre of role-playing games known as hack and slash for their focus on combat (even though NetHack is a hack and slash game). The player takes the part of a dungeon-delving character in search of the Amulet of Yendor. __TOC__