There are several different companies that retail clothing. These include:
eDoc Laundry Store is a hidden shop within the three cities. It is not listed in the directories, nor is it visible on the map. Each store sells two shirts, and each shirt can only be bought with vBux.
eDoc Laundry Store is a hidden shop within the three cities. It is not listed in the directories, nor is it visible on the map. Each store sells two shirts, and each shirt can only be bought with vBux. From the vSide website: "Edoc Laundry clothing combines fashion and mystery to their merchandise. Based in Seattle, every piece of their clothing carries a code or message that cannot be seen unless the person searches thoroughly. These hidden codes can be submitted in the Edoc website. When the code is sent, the website reveals a bit of a murder mystery. Many of the Edoc Laundry shirts have been created virtually for vSide which has a murder house where users can only get inside if they purchase and wear an Edoc Laundry shirt. These shirts can be purchased by Suspicious man who is located in all three cities: NewVenezia, LaGenoaAires, and Raijuku."
There are several different companies that retail clothing. These include: