| - When Xena is injured in battle, it is up to Gabrielle to save a village from an attacking warlord - by posing as Xena. But Xena takes a turn for the worst...
- The Greater Good is a 5th season episode of House which first aired on February 2, 2009. This is also the 100th Episode of House. A woman who collapses during a cooking class turns out to be a renowned cancer researcher who gave up her career to pursue personal fulfillment. This prompts the doctors to grapple with their own pursuits of happiness. Meanwhile, Cuddy is stuck back at the hospital and decides to make House's life more miserable than it usually is. With the best intentions, Foreman puts Thirteen on the real Huntington’s drug in the trial, only to have her health takes a turn for the worse.
- The Greater Good is the fourth episode of Series 5 of Being Human. It was first aired on the 24th February 2013.
- "The Greater Good" is the seventh episode in the second season of Stargate Universe.
- James T. Kirk is on leave after the ISS Farragut encountered a "vampire cloud" and most of the crew was killed, all at Kirk's behest. Kirk uses his time off to gather information about Christopher Pike, captain of the ISS Enterprise, in order to assassinate him and gain command of the Enterprise. With the help of Spock and Marlena Moreau, Kirk learns that Pike is under the influence of the Talosians. Also as part of his leave, Kirk is forced to get a mental evaluation, so he goes to the Tantalus colony to have his old friend Simon Van Gelder provide him with one. While on the colony, Kirk gains control of the Tantalus device. Kirk then uses this device to assassinate Pike and Number One, gaining command of the Enterprise for himself and the first officer's position for Spock.
- Sayid and Locke venture into the jungle to the fallen Beechcraft. Claire reluctantly gives Charlie possession of the newborn Aaron.
- The Greater Good is the thirteenth episode of the fifteenth season of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- "The Greater Good" is the twenty-first episode of Season 1 of Lost and the twenty-first produced hour of the series as a whole. With news of Boone's death sweeping the camp, Shannon decides to go after Locke, whom she blames for the tragedy. Flashbacks focus on Sayid's time in Australia.
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "The Greater Good" foi o vigésimo primeiro episódio da 1ª Temporada de Lost, foi ao ar em 4 de maio de 2005. Após enterrar um dos seus, as chamas de suspeitas entre os sobreviventes crescem -- e um improvável sobrevivente pede por vingança. Ainda, Claire e Charlie lutam para acalmar seu recém-nascido.
- The Greater Good is the 6th episode of 10th season of "E.R." The episode aired on November 6, 2003.
- The Greater Good is the nineteenth episode of the sixth season of Castle.
- Shannon is ervan overtuigd dat Locke verantwoordelijk is voor het overlijden van Boone en vraagt Sayid om "een gunst." Terwijl Sayid met Locke de jungle in trekt, raakt Sayid ervan overtuigd dat het niet de schuld is van Boone. Maar Shannon is onvermurwbaar en besluit zelf actie te ondernemen.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio número veintiuno de la primera temporada de Lost. Tras enterrar a uno de los suyos, el ambiente se caldea cuando las sospechas entre los supervivientes aumentan, y uno de ellos clama venganza. Mientras, Claire y Charlie intentan calmar al recién nacido.
- The Greater Good is a crew on the Hunter Ocean, slowing rising in fame. It belongs to the flag Black Pearl's Flag. The crew was created on August 31, 2007. Its captain, Bolekey, and his senior officers, Dragr, Smix, and Imag, hope that one day, it will become the most powerful crew in the whole ocean. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- The Greater Good är den kommande sjunde episoden i andra säsongen i Stargate Universe, och den 27:e episod totalt.
- Sayid przygląda się, opłakującej brata, Shannon. Stara się ją pocieszyć i pyta czy jest coś, co mógłby dla niej zrobić, ale kobieta tylko przecząco potrząsa głową. W tym samym czasie Kate wyrusza do dżungli, by znaleźć Jacka, szukającego Locke’a. Mówi mu, że ludzie są przerażeni i zdezorientowani. Chcą, żeby wrócił, na co Jack się zgadza. Grupa przygotowuje pogrzeb Boone’a. Jack pyta Shannon czy chciałaby coś powiedzieć, lecz kobieta nie czuje się na siłach. Sayid wypowiada się w swoim imieniu. Mówi, że chociaż nie znał dobrze Boone’a, wie, że był dobrym i odważnym człowiekiem, za którym wszyscy będą tęsknić.
- Xena and Gabrielle are approached by a young woman, pleading for help for Lord Seltzer. Xena goes and saves Lord Seltzer (aka Salmoneus), but during the fight she's shot by a poison dart from an unseen assailant. Xena continues to fight and acts as if nothing's wrong. She doesn't tell Gabrielle she has been hurt, and during a fight with the warlord who is after Lord Seltzer, Xena is almost killed. Fortunately, Gabrielle comes to the rescue, and the bard and Argo haul the wounded Warrior Princess off to the village.