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| - Rockfort Island
- Rockfort Island
| - Rockfort Island was an Umbrella-owned island off the coast of South America in the South Pacific Ocean.
- Categoria:Abbozzi Rockfort Island è un'isola situata nell'oceano Atlantico. L'isola è di proprietà della Umbrella Corporation. Appare in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.
- Rockfort Island is an Umbrella owned and administered private island located somewhere south of the equator, that apears in Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Operating as both an illegal prison camp and para-military training facility by the corporation, Rockfort was administered at the time of it's abandonement by Alfred Ashford, whose father was a researcher for, and whose grandfather a co-founder of Umbrella.
- Alexander Ashford, son of one of the original co-founders of Umbrella Corporation, settled on the island after the demise of his father, Edward. Here, his offspring, twins Alfred Ashford and Alexia Ashford, were born and raised in a lavish environment with guards and hi-tech biology labs. The island is supposedly destroyed when Alfred sets off the self-destruct system for the island, but the device fails to detonate fully. The training facility is left partially standing, although badly damaged, as is the airport and the Harrier facility.
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| - Infrastructure largely destroyed
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| - Accessible by Seaplane, Helicopter, Boat
| - Umbrella's military training facility and prison
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| - Rodrigo Juan Raval
- Commander Alfred Ashford
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| - Rockfort Island was an Umbrella-owned island off the coast of South America in the South Pacific Ocean.
- Alexander Ashford, son of one of the original co-founders of Umbrella Corporation, settled on the island after the demise of his father, Edward. Here, his offspring, twins Alfred Ashford and Alexia Ashford, were born and raised in a lavish environment with guards and hi-tech biology labs. The island boasts an Umbrella Corporation detainment center with a medical ward, a military training facility, airport with 5 C-130 cargo planes, a private residence of Alexia and Alfred on a hill behind the palace, research laboratories containing an experimental Tyrant, Gulp Worm and Giant Spider, the Ashford palatial house and an underground hangar beneath the training facility containing the base's Harrier jets for use in an emergency. They come armed with 2 external fuel tanks for long journeys to the Antarctica base and a built-in cannon for self defense against any enemies. Rockfort Island does not differ much from the standard Umbrella Corporation base, full of traps and luxury, but dark secrets lie hidden here that Alfred doesn't want anyone to find out about. Alfred's demential tastes have taken a heavy toll on the population of the base, with queries from base personnel to his secretary about his sanity and even the secretary questioning his mental well-being. The island is supposedly destroyed when Alfred sets off the self-destruct system for the island, but the device fails to detonate fully. The training facility is left partially standing, although badly damaged, as is the airport and the Harrier facility.
- Categoria:Abbozzi Rockfort Island è un'isola situata nell'oceano Atlantico. L'isola è di proprietà della Umbrella Corporation. Appare in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.
- Rockfort Island is an Umbrella owned and administered private island located somewhere south of the equator, that apears in Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Operating as both an illegal prison camp and para-military training facility by the corporation, Rockfort was administered at the time of it's abandonement by Alfred Ashford, whose father was a researcher for, and whose grandfather a co-founder of Umbrella. Besides the prison and training facility, the island also features a large subterranean airport holding several C-130 sea-capable cargo planes, at least two harrier jets owned personally by Alfred, a small but lavish palace for hosting of dignitaries, and a private residence for Alfred and his rarely seen sister Alexia on a hill behind the palace, access to and even knowledge of it's existance being tightly guarded by Alfred. Several laboratories and B.O.W. stores are located within the island, including a supply of T-Virus, and at least one T-078 Tyrant variant. The island population consisted mostly of a mixture of assorted workers, trainees, guards, attendant staff and prisoners. During the outbreak, all bar a handful became zombies. A native population is mentioned in files, but have seemingly been wiped out by the time of the outbreak.
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