| - Soga Yotsugi (世継ぎ祖我, Yotsugi Soga; lit. "Successor of the Progenitor's Wisdom"), hailed as one of the greatest Puppet Master's of the world, is a famous playwright, and actor notable for his role in revitalizing the art of puppetry. His first appearance was a whirlwind of controversy, mystery and intrigue, as within the desolation of the once proud Sunagakure a magnificent structure of such beauty and splendor appeared as though by magic from hazy mists. It was a theatre and when the curious citizens and wary shinobi stepped inside they were treated to a sight beyond their wildest dreams, a story of pain and loss, struggle and enduring inner strength culminating in a moving finale that resonated within the hearts of victims of the past war. As mysteriously as he appeared he vanished, only
| - Soga Yotsugi (世継ぎ祖我, Yotsugi Soga; lit. "Successor of the Progenitor's Wisdom"), hailed as one of the greatest Puppet Master's of the world, is a famous playwright, and actor notable for his role in revitalizing the art of puppetry. His first appearance was a whirlwind of controversy, mystery and intrigue, as within the desolation of the once proud Sunagakure a magnificent structure of such beauty and splendor appeared as though by magic from hazy mists. It was a theatre and when the curious citizens and wary shinobi stepped inside they were treated to a sight beyond their wildest dreams, a story of pain and loss, struggle and enduring inner strength culminating in a moving finale that resonated within the hearts of victims of the past war. As mysteriously as he appeared he vanished, only to resurface again in another village bringing both the joy and wonder of puppetry back into the world. Soon his fame spread, and with it a renaissance flourished, ushering in a new age for theater and puppetry. It is in these early years, the enigmatic dramatist was known simply as the Playwright (脚本家, Kyakuhonka). But like every mystery, soon the truth of his machinations would come to light. At roughly the same time as his theatrical releases, an unknown and powerful shinobi with unsurpassed infiltration and assassination capability appeared, trading in both his skill and information. In these two stories, the titular character changed the face of the world. One brought about a cultural revolution, molding his audiences in subtle ways through the messages of his plays. The other used his skill to obtain terrible secrets, brokering in information, buying favors, valuable goods, and trading in the lives of entire settlements. In the end both manipulated the world, directing it towards their ultimate objectives as a director directs a screenplay. When the investigating shinobi discovered this correlation, and eventually revealed his deception, he was given the new moniker of, The Puppeteer (人形遣い, Ningyoudukai). Following the release of this information, Soga Yotsugi revealed his identity to the world in the grandest show of all time. A dubious tale recounting the adventure of one man as he played the role of two characters; an up and coming playwright and the mysterious assassin. He had parodied his own life in a fantastical tale of thrilling intrigue. Rather than let the revelation of his identity ruin his reputation, Soga had instead performed yet another deception, by making light of his own tale and presenting it such a comedic fashion, he had effectively saved his reputation and earned himself yet another moniker, Fool of the Gods Entertainment (神楽大の愚, Kagura no Taigu). Now known throughout the shinobi world Soga has become one of its most influential members.