| - Chauntea , Wielka Matka, Bogini Zboża lub Matka Ziemia jest fikcyjnym bóstwem świata Zapomnianych Krain, gry Dungeons & Dragons, czyli Smoki i Lochy. Ed Greenwood stworzył Chunteę dla swojej gry Lochów i Smoków, inspirowaną greckim bogiem zboża (Demeter). Kategoria:Dungeons & Dragons
- Chauntea (chawn-tee-aah) ist die Göttin alles Wachsenden, insbesondere der Dinge, welche von Menschenhand kultiviert werden. Sie erscheint den Sterblichen nur selten und ist auch nicht für besondere Spektakel. Sie zieht kleine und ruhige Gaben vor. Chauntea wird vor allem im Volk von Bauern, Gärtnern und all jenen verehrt, welche von den Früchten der Natur leben.
- Chauntea is selectable as a patron diety for player characters. Worshippers of Chauntea are referred to as Chaunteans.
- Chauntea, also known as the Great Mother, is a neutral good greater deity of agriculture. She has only few followers among adventurers and is usually worshipped by farmers and gardeners.
- Name: Chauntea Divine rank: greater deity Title(s): The Great Mother, Grain Goddess, Earthmother Symbol: blooming rose on a sunburst wreath of golden grain Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Cleric alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Domains: animal, earth, good, plant, protection, renewal Favored weapon: "A Shock of Grain" (scythe) Festivals:
* Greengrass (Greengrass)
* High Prayers of the Harvest (Higharvestide)
- Chauntea (pronounced Chawn-TEE-ah), the Grain Goddess or the Great Mother was the goddess of life and a parallel deity to Silvanus, who was considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself was seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agriculture. She was a goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer.
- Chauntea, The Grain Goddess, The Great Mother or Earthmother, is a fictional deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Ed Greenwood created Chauntea for his home Dungeons & Dragons game, loosely inspired by the Greek deity Demeter. Chauntea is a parallel deity to Silvanus, who is considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself is seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agricultural. She is goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Chauntei Chauntea (czałn-ti-a) jest stara jak Toril. To od niej pochodziła boska iskra, która dała życie światu natury, a ona sama jest żywym, troskliwym duchem napełniającym planetę od momentu jej stworzenia. Chauntea była pierwotnie bóstwem dzikich miejsc i zwierzęcego życia, ale wzrastała wraz ze swoim światem, zmieniając się i dostosowując do wielu zachodzących w nim zmian. Tysiąclecia umocniły jej cierpliwość - aż do takiego stanu, że bywa uciążliwa. Chauntea kocha mieszkańców swego świata, choć nie interesuje jej nic poza instruowaniem obywateli Torilu, jak ziemia sama może wzbogacić ich życie. To jej ręka poprowadziła pierwszych nomadów w kierunku stałych upraw, odsuwając ich od niepewności zbieractwa. Dzisiaj Chauntea jest czczona jako Wielka Matka rolnictwa
- Chauntea (chawn-tee-ah) is as old as Toril itself. Hers is the divine spark that gave life to the natural world, the vibrant, caring spirit infused with the planet at the moment of its creation. Originally a deity of wild places and animal life, Chauntea has grown with her world, changing and adapting to its many developments. The millennial have taught her patience—to the point of being at times ponderous. Chauntea loves the inhabitants of her world, and she likes nothing more than instructing Toril's denizens on how the land itself might enrich their lives. Hers was the hand that guided the first mortal wanderers to give up the uncertainty of the gatherer for the stability of the field. Today, Chauntea is worshiped as the kind benefactor who ensures a strong harvest, healthy meals, and r