| - "Unghh…" A certain figure yawned, as he slowly stood out of bed. They bore the appearance of a young, very feminine male with a petite and slender frame, much like a woman's, and light brown eyes. He had light pink hair which reached down to his waist, and was tied up in a simple braid, and had two bangs going down to his chin. He wore the most simple of apparel; a red sleeveless t-shirt and baggy azure jeans. Three days had passed; they couldn't follow up on even a single case because the Hotaru Reisōbi had been trashed—meaning that Crimson Sovereigns were still causing havoc throughout Amanogawa City and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it; something that righteously pissed this young man off. That Kumabachi Reisōbi wielder was probably causing more harm than good— in fact, he was damn sure of that. He felt so worthless; he wished he was able to fight outside of the Hotaru Reisōbi, he really did. Trudging downstairs, the young man, Zakura Terui felt like absolute crap; he shouldn't be sitting around and whining while innocents were in deep shit; yet he couldn't do anything about it. "…!" Remembering that dream from two nights ago, he pulled out the somewhat scrunched up blueprints that he received. While he couldn't understand what the hell went on in that dream, he did know that these blueprints weren't bogus. He had to make what was transcribed upon these prints in order to return to his role as a hero. He was so damn determined that he felt slightly heated up. Glancing down, Zakura spied a certain person; someone who had been with him from since he could remember- which was a month or two ago, Yuuki Kaburagi. Yuuki's androgynous, effeminate, and slender figure, had features which were almost completely feminine in appearance. He possessed wide hips, long legs, and droopy eyes with red and emerald; heterochromia, so to speak. His blonde hair was worn in a bun which spiked up slightly at the top, gently flowing out to the left side, with several strands of hair sticking out at the sides of the bun as sort of waves. He wore a Lycrois flower on the right side of his hair. Yuuki gave Zakura a gentle smile in an attempt to cheer him up, though while it felt somewhat uplifting; it didn't have the intended effect. "Good morning, Zakura." Yuuki said, as he pressed the tips of his fingers against each other delightfully. Zakura gave Yuuki a smile in response; somehow, he guessed that another thing they had in common was their complete and utter lack of social skills. He was right, of course. Wandering to the pantry, Zakura searched for some grub in a rather messy fashion; anything to give him energy before he got to work on that Reisōbi. Yuuki could only look on, worried, as Zakura essentially destroyed the order in which everything was aligned with little care at all, before pulling out a bottle of vinegar. Yes, vinegar. He was completely serious. "Uhm, Zakura…Do you actually plan on having raw vinegar…?" Yuuki questioned in a concerned tone; he knew that Zakura wasn't the brightest bulb of the bunch, though vinegar!? Had he lost his mind!? "…Yeah, what about it? Anything to help me focus." Zakura replied, as he quickly left for upstairs once again. At times, Yuuki Kaburagi wondered if stupidity had a limit. While he was concerned that Zakura had been a great deal quieter since the Hotaru Reisōbi was trashed, he was more blatantly pissed that he wasn't spending as much time with him anymore- Yuuki didn't like being ignored, that was for sure. So, he thought to himself, "…If you'll ignore me, then I'll have to go to extremes to get your attention!" Oh boy. Zakura Terui was in some deep dough right now- hell hath no fury like a Yuuki scorned, as they said. Meanwhile, Zakura spread out the blueprints, before manifesting tools and materials from his spiritual energy. "Why can't you be easier to read, English!?" These thoughts raced through his mind; Zakura could never grasp Basic English, being the idiot he was. Slamming the windows of his room shut, Zakura began to get to on the Reisōbi- by the looks of it, he appeared as if he was some sort of social recluse. Surprisingly, Zakura could show insight and intellect that could make Einstein tickled pink with envy whenever he wished to- he just didn't see the need to use more smarts than what was needed in particular situations, leading to many labeling him as an idiot. He didn't really care what others thought of him, preferring to draw his own conclusions about himself and nobody else. The amnesiac youth tinkered away in silence, making progress at an outstanding pace; something that would make the creator of the Reisōbi utterly jealous. "Uhm, Zakura…" Yuuki's voice rang out, as he walked upstairs; his tone was one of utmost worry, one could clearly hear his voice shaking somewhat. Zakura didn't even pay him the common courtesy to look in his direction, as he responded while persisting on working, "Yes?" Such a short and unemotional response caused Yuuki to puff out his cheeks and growl slightly, becoming more and more incensed as the moments passed. "Gr…" Calming himself, Yuuki forced that serene smile to stay upon his face, quietly pressing, "…You know, you haven't gotten any sunlight since the Hotaru Reisōbi got totaled. Why don't you go and get some fresh air?" Zakura's gaze remained upon the blueprints, bluntly stating, "You know how—" Yuuki snarked, "Don't you dare use that 'I'm allergic to sunlight' bullshit excuse with me." "You need a break. Being a social recluse isn't good for your health, seriously." Zakura didn't even respond to this, so Yuuki decided to break the ice. "…I'm getting sex reassignment surgery later today. Isn't that—" Zakura ceased his work for the briefest of moments, yelling, "Don't. You. Dare." Yuuki sighed; of course, he was lying, but Zakura's response was rather disheartening. "My, my, I'm not really going to." Returning to his work, Zakura regained his composure, stating, "…Good. Anyways, I'm having trouble focusing here—can you leave, please-" That was the last straw. Yuuki Kaburagi snapped, marching over to Zakura and grabbing by the collar, dragging him outside, though not before Zakura grabbed the rest of his work.