Chaos 6 is a transformation of Chaos. It is the final boss for Big and Knuckles and the fourth boss for Sonic in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It is fought on the Egg Carrier.
thumb|282px|Chaos 6 en Sonic Adventure Chaos 6 es la sexta forma de Chaos, aunque nunca se han visto las tranformaciones 3 y 5.
Chaos 6 is a transformation of Chaos. It is the final boss for Big and Knuckles and the fourth boss for Sonic in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It is fought on the Egg Carrier.
Chaos 6 – transformacja Chaosa; przedostatni boss w historii Sonica i ostatni boss w historii Knucklesa i Biga w grach Sonic Adventure i Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
The battle takes place above the Egg Carrier's engine on a wide platform. The player must use the Satellites that Dr. Eggman deploys to freeze it and deal damage.
thumb|282px|Chaos 6 en Sonic Adventure Chaos 6 es la sexta forma de Chaos, aunque nunca se han visto las tranformaciones 3 y 5.
Chaos 6 is a transformation of Chaos. It is the final boss for Big and Knuckles and the fourth boss for Sonic in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It is fought on the Egg Carrier.
Chaos 6 – transformacja Chaosa; przedostatni boss w historii Sonica i ostatni boss w historii Knucklesa i Biga w grach Sonic Adventure i Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.