| - The story begins with Edward Nashton reflecting on the recent events occuring in the Battle for the Cowl arc in the form of an inner monolouge. It then cuts to Edward's office, where the Penguin wishes to hire him to find Black Mask, though he does not intend to pay Edward. Edward then sets off on the case, making a note of how "Batman" has "returned," with new, more violent methods. He then is greeted by Harley Quinn, who wishes to tag along, and seems concerned about "Eddie's" safety. Harley joins Edward on his mission, even "hiring" him to allow her to help, with a mere 57 cents. Edward gladly accepts her help. The scene then cuts to Two-Face, who is talking to himself , when Catwoman shows up and tries to apprehend him. She reflects on the recent turn of events, and after a short scuffle, Two-Face manages to escape. Catwoman seems to be giving up hope due to Bruce Wayne's disappearance. Meanwhile, Killer Croc, Firefly, and Poison Ivy are attacking a warehouse owned by the Penguin, when she suddenly decides to leave the company of her partners. The scene then cuts to the Penguin, who is traveling in a convoy of cars, and is irrately conversing with an underling on a cellphone regarding the recent activities of "Batman", when the convoy is attacked by Firefly, who destroys a few of the cars. Just as he is about to destroy the Penguin's limo, Catwoman tackles Firefly and beats the stuffing out of him, much to the puzzlement of the Penguin, who escapes. Meanwhile, Catwoman has ditched Firefly, and is brooding, when she sees Black Mask, which completely shocks her, as she killed him herself. She begins to investigate, when "Batman" arrives, and starts shooting at Catwoman, who initially thought that he was Bruce Wayne. It then cuts back to Edward and Harley, who have arrived at Holly Robinson's and Selina Kyle's apartment. Edward makes it clear the even though Holly wore the Catwoman costume for a time, Selina is the one who killed him, which slightly confuses Harley. Holly provides no useful information. Poison Ivy then arrives, and headlocks Edward, threatening to kill him, despite Harley's protests that Edward is her friend. Back with Catwoman, "Batman" and she are fighting, during which Catwoman deduces in her inner monologue just who is in the suit. She finally realizes that it isn't Bruce, Timothy Drake, or Nightwing, but someone else. After a short altercation with Batman, who refers her to as "criminal trash," Catwoman gets flipped off of the overpass they are fighting on and lands on a car, after which she starts blacks out, shortly before Edward, Harley, and Poison Ivy arrive. Harley seems concerned with Catwoman's health, tentatively saying "Kitty?"