The Yaka Arrow is a whistle-controlled arrow made from Yaka that uses technology native to the Centaurian people. The Yaka Arrow is Yondu Udonta's favored weapon. Highly skilled in its usage, one is always kept in a holster by his side.
The Yaka Arrow is a whistle-controlled arrow made from Yaka that uses technology native to the Centaurian people. The Yaka Arrow is Yondu Udonta's favored weapon. Highly skilled in its usage, one is always kept in a holster by his side.
The Yaka Arrow is a whistle-controlled arrow made from Yaka that uses technology native to the Centaurian people. The Yaka Arrow is Yondu Udonta's favored weapon. Highly skilled in its usage, one is always kept in a holster by his side.