| - Arthur masquerades as a Church-going family man that is adored as a beloved teacher, husband, father and model citizen that helps the community through an organization known as Four Walls One Heart, which builds homes for the homeless. To the general public, he has survived this way for over 30 years, perfectly hiding his true face while using the traveling nature of Four Walls One Heart in order to confirm where he'll start his cycle of four victims, before returning home on a "cool-down" period before the next cycle begins. It is estimated that Mitchell has at least 264 confirmed kills - 4 victims twice a year for 30 years makes roughly 240 victims, plus his father, Kyle Butler and Rita Morgan make it a grand total of 267 (though it is likely higher).
| - Arthur masquerades as a Church-going family man that is adored as a beloved teacher, husband, father and model citizen that helps the community through an organization known as Four Walls One Heart, which builds homes for the homeless. To the general public, he has survived this way for over 30 years, perfectly hiding his true face while using the traveling nature of Four Walls One Heart in order to confirm where he'll start his cycle of four victims, before returning home on a "cool-down" period before the next cycle begins. It is estimated that Mitchell has at least 264 confirmed kills - 4 victims twice a year for 30 years makes roughly 240 victims, plus his father, Kyle Butler and Rita Morgan make it a grand total of 267 (though it is likely higher). Officially, he is Fourth Main Antagonist and perhaps one of the most dangerous in the series. He is the only antagonist that has killed for over three decades and has remained absolutely hidden as a mere "myth" chased by Special Agent Frank Lundy. Due to this, he is, from a certain perspective, more successful than Dexter Morgan, as he has enacted the same routine multiple times over 30 years, starting with stalking a 10 year old boy and burying him alive in cement, tracking down a young woman to kill in her bathtub, "kidnapping" and convincing a middle-aged woman to jump to her death, purposely allowing himself to be beaten senseless by someone (which, may have added to his victims if his attackers became violent enough to make it necessary) and finally bludgeoning a well built man to death. However, when it comes to survival, Dexter Morgan is more successful than anyone else in the series. Of special note, Arthur is the second Main Antagonist to kill a main character in the series (with his final victim being Rita Morgan). Before that, only Lila West had killed a main character, the imprisoned Sergeant James Doakes. Uniquely, among many of the serial killers that Dexter has faced, Mitchell is (at least initially) unable to kill outside of his well-established cycle, and poses no threat to anyone around him once the cycle is completed (although there are exceptions to this in terms of his family members, whom he terrorizes at times). Despite his M.O. being almost untraceable and the very nature of his kill cycle and his near-perfect cover a stroke of genius, Mitchell's personality is so diversely split that he cannot improvise if something does not go according to his plan; whatever mind-set he is in at the time, he cannot react differently and therein lies his greatest weakness. After Mitchell realizes that Dexter is hunting him, however, he begins to realize that Dexter, like him, is fumbling with his camouflage; this seems to instill within him mental confidence and stability, allowing him to adapt more carefully to changing circumstances. Unfortunately for Arthur, this does him little good, as Dexter soon captures and kills him, but Arthur's final kill strikes a devastating blow to Dexter: his wife Rita. Just before death, Mitchell accepts that, in the end, his rampage was justly halted - and predicts that, eventually, the same will happen to Dexter, now that Arthur has destroyed his family life and his means of keeping his humanity...