| - (the doctor sits alone in his office with a water pipe. smoke fumes rise around him as he leans back and listens to music. motivated, he neatly labels all of the jars, canisters and containers in the lab) ASTRID: (entering and noticing Walter's altered state) Walter? WALTER: (humbly) I've decided that we need to get organized. ASTRID: (not fooled) You've been smoking marijuana. WALTER: I'd hardly classify what I've just smoked as marijuana. It's -- it's a hybrid. Of Chronic Supernova and Afghani Kush. I call it Brown Betty. ASTRID: (tolerant) Walter... I know how you're feeling. WALTER: It's important to take control of one's life. ASTRID: Walter. WALTER: Eh. ASTRID: Peter is going to come back. He just needs some time. But he will come back. WALTER: (as Olivia marches in through the lab doors) Oh! ASTRID: Hey. OLIVIA: Hey. WALTER: Is there news? Have you found him? OLIVIA: I'm sorry, Walter. I have some leads that I would like to follow up, but I have to -- WALTER: -- You have to what? What can be more important than finding Peter? ELLA: (enters the lab) Aunt Liv... the snack machine stole the dollar you gave me. Hi, Astrid. Hi, Uncle Walter. ASTRID: Hi, Ella. You know what? We have some snacks back there in the fridge. You can go help yourself. ELLA: Thanks. ASTRID: Mm-hmm. WALTER: Who's that? ASTRID: Ella, Walter. ELLA: (marching off) It smells funny in here. ASTRID: Rachel's daughter. Rachel's Olivia's sister. OLIVIA: Rachel had to go to Chicago for the weekend, so she asked if I could look after Ella. And I was wondering if maybe you could watch her -- WALTER: Oh, no, no, no. I couldn't possibly look after anyone else. I'm well into Phase One. ASTRID: I think she's talking about me. Walter just smoked something called Brown Betty. ELLA: Hi, cow. (meets Gene) WALTER: Be careful, Stella. (runs to intercept the two) Gene, Gene, no licking. no licking. OLIVIA: You should only have to watch her for a few hours. ASTRID: Don't worry, Olivia. I will be here. We would love to have her.