| - NCC stands for Naval Construction Contract. Most modern Federation starships use this as part of their registration number. (Spacedock: The Advanced Starship and Construction Manual)
- The acronym NCC may refer to:
* National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications
* National Counterintelligence Center
* National Crisis Center (The Netherlands)
* Network Control Center
- "NCC" stands for "Naval Construction Contract". (ST reference: Star Trek Blueprints) The phrase Navigational Contact Code, another offered explanation, is found in fan fiction such as David John Nielsen's blueprint sheets U.S.S. Enterprise Heavy Cruiser Evolution Blueprints and Todd Allan Guenther's Ships of the Star Fleet, but this is not a licenced product and as such is outside the purview of this wiki.
- As for the use of NCC as a prefix for Starfleet registry numbers, its designer Matt Jefferies said, when he conceived the prefix in 1964, that the registries for American civil aircraft are preceded by NC, and Soviet craft used a prefix of CCCC, and as such, he more-or-less combined the two. His philosophy was, "If we do anything in space, we (Americans and Russians) have to do it together." [1](X) In contrast, the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 69) claims that the second C was just an arbitrary addition to make the registry look better. This notion had actually been confirmed by Jefferies himself on another occasion, "Since the 1920's, N has indicated the United States in Navy terms, and C means 'commercial' vessel. I added an extra C just for fun. Interestingly, Russia's des
- NCC及びNXが何の略で何を表わすのかは劇中で一度も明言されたことはなかった。しかし、23世紀及び24世紀においてNCCは就役している宇宙艦、NXはプロトタイプや実験艦に用いられるプリフィックスを指定している様に見られる。 『TAS: 侵入した愛の妙薬』では、いくつかのシャトルのクローズアップで「N.C.C.」というピリオドが含まれたプリフィックスがつけられていた。1975年発行の『Star Trek Blueprints』及び『Star Fleet Technical Manual』によれば、NCCは前者はNaval Construction Code Number、後者はNaval Construction Contractの略と記されている。 マット・ジェフリーズによればアメリカ民間機のレジストリのプリフィックスにNCが使用されており、ソ連ではCCCCが使用されているのを合わせて宇宙艦隊のレジストリに採用したとされる。彼の哲学として「もし宇宙で何かをするのであれば、我々(アメリカとソ連)は一緒にしなければならない」というものがあった。
| - As for the use of NCC as a prefix for Starfleet registry numbers, its designer Matt Jefferies said, when he conceived the prefix in 1964, that the registries for American civil aircraft are preceded by NC, and Soviet craft used a prefix of CCCC, and as such, he more-or-less combined the two. His philosophy was, "If we do anything in space, we (Americans and Russians) have to do it together." [1](X) In contrast, the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 69) claims that the second C was just an arbitrary addition to make the registry look better. This notion had actually been confirmed by Jefferies himself on another occasion, "Since the 1920's, N has indicated the United States in Navy terms, and C means 'commercial' vessel. I added an extra C just for fun. Interestingly, Russia's designation is CCC. So The N and C together made it kind of international." (Star Trek: The Original Series Sketchbook, p. 62; Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 69)) Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 231 from Richmond, Virginia claims that the registry for the original USS Enterprise was inspired by the 1935 WACO Model YOC aircraft owned by Matt Jefferies – his airplane had the registry NC-17740. [2] Jefferies himself however, dismissed this notion late in life in latter day interviews, among others in Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 10, pp. 26, as he didn't even purchase the airplane until 1968, while acknowledging that he never really put much of an effort into squashing that particular rumor. [3](X)
- NCC stands for Naval Construction Contract. Most modern Federation starships use this as part of their registration number. (Spacedock: The Advanced Starship and Construction Manual)
- The acronym NCC may refer to:
* National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications
* National Counterintelligence Center
* National Crisis Center (The Netherlands)
* Network Control Center
- "NCC" stands for "Naval Construction Contract". (ST reference: Star Trek Blueprints) The phrase Navigational Contact Code, another offered explanation, is found in fan fiction such as David John Nielsen's blueprint sheets U.S.S. Enterprise Heavy Cruiser Evolution Blueprints and Todd Allan Guenther's Ships of the Star Fleet, but this is not a licenced product and as such is outside the purview of this wiki.
- NCC及びNXが何の略で何を表わすのかは劇中で一度も明言されたことはなかった。しかし、23世紀及び24世紀においてNCCは就役している宇宙艦、NXはプロトタイプや実験艦に用いられるプリフィックスを指定している様に見られる。 『TAS: 侵入した愛の妙薬』では、いくつかのシャトルのクローズアップで「N.C.C.」というピリオドが含まれたプリフィックスがつけられていた。1975年発行の『Star Trek Blueprints』及び『Star Fleet Technical Manual』によれば、NCCは前者はNaval Construction Code Number、後者はNaval Construction Contractの略と記されている。 マット・ジェフリーズによればアメリカ民間機のレジストリのプリフィックスにNCが使用されており、ソ連ではCCCCが使用されているのを合わせて宇宙艦隊のレジストリに採用したとされる。彼の哲学として「もし宇宙で何かをするのであれば、我々(アメリカとソ連)は一緒にしなければならない」というものがあった。 wbm In contrast, the Star Trek Encyclopedia (2nd ed., p. 317) claims that the second "C" was just an arbitrary addition to make the registry look better. Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 231 from Richmond, Virginia claims that the registry for the original USSEnterprise was inspired by the 1935 WACO Model YOC aircraft owned by Matt Jefferies – his airplane had the registry NC-17740. [1] Jefferies, however, dismissed this notion in various interviews, as he didn't even purchase the airplane until 1968, while acknowledging that he never really put much of an effort into squashing that particular rumor. [2] [3]