| - Due to him having intentionally separated his heart from his body and soul before he gave into the darkness, Ansem retained his self-hood, and intelligence after his transformation into a Heartless. Because he could think out his plans and pass for a human, he was able to destroy nearly every world in the Kingdom Hearts universe without revealing his identity, up until he confronted Sora at the Final Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. Due to his unique "birth", Xehanort's Heartless appeared to have characteristics of both the Emblem and Pureblood Heartless, though it is unclear exactly which category he falls under.
- If you ever see anyone bold DARKNESS, you can rest assured that it's Ansems fault. "DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESS DARKNESS" - Ansem And he nearly got beat by CATS. I think that says it all. He somehow got 57th in the overall x-stat rankings, though.
- Ansem may refer to:
* Ansem Weems
* Ansem (Kingdom Hearts)
- thumb|150px|Ansem der Weise Ansem, oder auch Ansem der Weise genannt, ist ein nicht-spielbarer Charakter aus der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe und erforschte die Herzen und die Herzlosen. Er stellte viele Theorien über die Herzen auf und ist die wohl bedeutendste Koryphäe auf diesem Gebiet. Jedoch vermag selbst er nicht zu erklären, was die Herzen sind.
- Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, sometimes referred to as Xehanort's Heartless, is the main antagonist of Kingdom Hearts and the "Reverse/Rebirth" scenario in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, as well as a supporting antagonist in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. He is a member of the True Organization XIII and the Heartless of Terra-Xehanort, and as such his appearance and personality are primarily derived from Master Xehanort, and he retains his original form's "shadow".
- Ansem originariamente era un ragazzo sfigato di nome Xehanort, non si sà nulla di lui, solo che venne trovato dal suo futuro maestro (Ansem il saggio) in mezzo ad una strada privo di sensi, di soldi e con l'arnese all'infuori, il vecchio non ci pensa due volte e lo porta nel suo laboratorio prendendolo come uno dei suoi 6 (e poi 12) apprendisti: Even, Braig, Dilan, Elaeus e Ienzo. In realtà, Xehanort non è altro che il corpo di Terra posseduto da Master Xehanort (ma questa è un'altra storia...). Passa il tempo e Ansem scopre che nelle segrete del castello sono nascoste diverse pinte di birra e, deciso a scolarsele tutte, scende precipitosamente, purtroppo per lui non trova le agognate pinte, ma solo una porta della luce e un fottutissimo heartless, stranamente, però, il giovane è più inter