| - This Story is All about Most Heroes from anime,T.V,manga,and movies Are whom are here in real life to prevent the Judgment Day From coming from my worlds and their world beyond on the universe is fanfictional crossover series, this is the 113 episode of "Hollywood World". (Cue: Judgment day Theme) Anthony: The Day is almost is beyond us,more worlds,turned into an invasions,and battling the B.O.W.S, ethos , shadow magi , devimon, infection, Davy jones, Robotic minions,elementals,trans human industries ,e vampires,and any other enemy from other ideas, whom are battling them in the year 2029. and then the battle between their enemies, were going from the ruins of washinton, and new York, and paris, and any part of country across the world. They have a plan they are looking for the Boy Whom Can Bring Them Altogether and saving a lot of cradles of human civilizations and parallel civilizations and rebuilding and unchanging the evil and good futures with in us all. and then Anthony was having a prophecy dream, where he meet a girl The Brown Pony Tailed Girl Nene Amano and after that he didn't look for her, and worried and scared and then azulongmon whom was telling him something. Enemies are uniting, not from our worlds, or your's but others, Only You are The One Whom Can Stop Them! and woken up, from his dream and finding his parents and loved ones already here, and as he began his learning in ascension, then it was the last day of school and having a party, and saying good bye to his new friends, Nicholas, Aliyah , Joshua, Terrell, noah, precious , and kwabena, and going back to my house and having a party. and as I was having cake, and tasting the food most of It. until I won a prize, to a trip through out the world, and finding out that their trip that he would like to go to Manchester, to the mansion, and as it began now, and then three boys whom are apart of travel insurance, and then. Mommy: You take care of yourself okay, But remember us each other, Kenneth: I Will hunt you down and kick your ass while you came back, Aris: Don't worry we will wait for you. and having a great hug from the six and then as they took off. as me, was going to play on my own ipad ,and revealing Creatures and monsters called digimon. Anthony: What are these creatures, sound like your linked for something secret. Christopher: Oh Yeah!, we haven't been introduced, My name is Christopher Aonuma, Jeremy Tsurgi, Mikey kudo, Whom are your escort,to your trip And were on our way to the airport, haven't you got your wallet. Anthony: Yeah !. (Smiling) And Were already here,and this shoutmon, Bluegreymon, And Cutemon. Shoutmon: I am shoutmon leader of the United Xros heart army, And Were the saviors Of digital worlds. Anthony: Yeah, I use to known About digital worlds in parallel universes, I know you don't I. And what do you want with me. Angie: We need you the human races faces extinctions, Anthony: And who said That ?. Angie: I Am angie, The peace keeper of the united xros heart army,and childhood friend of mikey and im like acting like her big sister, and didn't you noticed that you remembered us. Nene: Oh my name is nene amano leader of twilight, in the digital world, as I began searching for my brother thrugh out the digital world, and the only way to find my brother is to work for... Anthony: Bagramon, leader Of The Bagramon Army of his,death general whom tricked you because they could help you find your brother, Until he was working for the Death Generals, until you guys were the number 1# Rebels of the digital world combining your digimon and his forces until peace was restored to the digital world until you finally defeated him with shoutmon's final and ultimate form. mikey : who, How, Did you know that ?, Well I use to watch you and how you make strategies to defeat all of your enemies, and seen all of digimon episodes, Well most of them, but I watch you guys, Angie: Long Story, And come on time to go to the To Checkpoint. and as they entered into the main enterance, and others are waiting, and back at the avila residence, They are calling the airport and then there is no sign of any new airport corporation called Entire World Enterprise and finding about them. and walking down to terminal one, Attendence 1#: Good Morning, We need you passport, or cash or credit card, Mr Anthony avila your Credit card is correct, and perfect for your flight, and um ?, Your large luggage is talking, should I have a look!. Anthony: No Thank You, prefer My Costing, That will be 25.40 and credit card, Then going to the Trafalgar Park in Manchester, Oh , you gone to London, where are you going to somewhere not private. and here's my credit card, Attendence: Okay your credit card seems to be correct and okay, enjoy you flight, and keep and encountering the avila family. moving to the flight entrance to find your private jet to Manchester,and as they keep moving to the flight gate where their delta plane is, and going back to other digidestined, tamers, hunters, D.A.T.S , ten legendary warriors, and going on the plane as they finally meet each other, and meeting a new member of the hunters kotone Amano , Nene's Youngest sister. and as a Portals appeared and as wilder, and the organization, miles dredd , Jason, ahikiro kurata, and the bio digimon, axel DreddNaughts ,jasper, colonel Jason, turbo/King Candy, simon judeau and several villains whom wanted to terminate, the leader of the resistance, Kurata; where is he?, The one whom wants to prevent our plans for invasions, digimon termination, and damnation. our leader is somewhere,around here, and doing a swipe of the area, and finding , out that someone is already beating us to him already. kouki: That Marcus Damon, My rival, And Enemy , Maybe they took him somewhere. Ivan: Well My love Honeybun Yoshi, Never Cheated on me, And if I see this resistance leader coming at my honeybun, I'll Kick His Ass ! (Angry). and going back to their finished flight, and developing their transportation to get out of the airport and heading to the park, and to the Trafalgar park, and going there and arriving here, and arriving there is a broadcast following it to a mansion full of strange advanced military weaponry, and checking the vehicles, going there they found nothing, and seeing a statue throwing to hit them. ewan; Look Out !, Anthony: Gasps !!!!, And then a missile was targeted on the statue, and destroyed, and a power beam was firing on to the assassins, knocking them down, and a fire wall whom is defeating them and then finding out that More survivors , kraft Lawrence , holo , iki Hiyori, Yukine, yato, Ren kannagi, Ayano Kannagi , Kazuma Yagami , Maou Sadao , The doctor , Amy pond , Rory Williams , Emilia Justina , Sora, veena/bishamon , Max "Maxwell" McGrath, lok , Sophie , dante ,yuki,zero, night class, zhaila moon, and most others are here. Yukine: Stay away from him,Keep away from the body right This instance!. and as they got away from their injured enemies, What was that about?. They noticed us: Takyuma. Yuki is that you?:Anthony yuki: Of course it's me silly, (smiling) . Yato: Yukine!, Come to me. Yato: YUKINE , Revert Back into your human form. Yukine: Right !. and as yuki ,kofuku, kazuma , Mayu , and rest turn from weapon to human. and meeting everyone I know, Max : My name is max, Son of Jim McGrath, and This Is Turbo by buddy , Turbo: Hi There!. Come on , time to go inside boy you look worn out messed up, And as Anthony was taking a bath, and then seeing Kirito and asuna learning to drive while Blocking lok lambert From his duties, lok ; Come on , someone has to cook, which one will it be come just do it, were going to go hungry, if you are fooling each other, Dante: Come on !, Stop it!, And as kotone and ewan sleeping with each other, aren't they cute with each other, Yeah Well I kept looking for my Brother, with leaving my father and my home earth behind. (Flashback) and nene getting ready for school, in another country, and searching for a voice she has never heard, and looking at it and finding a creature,Nene: Who's There?. It's Okay i'm A friend, of you nene, Who and how you know my name, Come with me into the portal, and i'll help you find your brother. Okay im coming with you, And as I went to laylamon and showing and meeting with bagramon, and his leaders and comrades whom are trust or not trusting to help me find my brother,Nene: So !? , Will you help find my brother, and making deal making my team twilight born and doing one little tasks to gathering the code crowns, for bagramon, and giving her a partner Named sparrowmon, and as she has a dark fusion loader / Black. and as that how she began her new adventure with bagra army and mikey andchristopher to restoring peace between worlds, against bagramon and the death generals,and got a new fusion loader as lavender, and how He finding her own brother. (End of Flashback) and Ewan amano , leading him to show him the tour around the place, and finding out that they have a nursery, and while showing them around the tour, and meeting timmy turner,Cosmo,wanda, poof, SpongeBob, squidward, Mr krabs, Danny phamtom, jazz, Dani phantom, sandy, Patrick, Dudley , Kitty Katswell , tucker and sam, A.j, Msgi nation, Moe , larry,curly , Alice (Dark Discoveries) , Sam , Flint lockwood, Brent, and as they kept moving and finding a licker here. in the backyard, and having it contained, and in a 10x Hard steel cage it could never got out. Marcus: It's Okay We Stole it from Kurata's lab after Tai's, Davis's, Takato's, Takuya's , enemies resurrected marcus old enemy kurata and Working for the umbrella corporation, and making the b.o.w.s into the next generation dangerous digimon whom are using them for the For Their invasion so that the villains will the Wikipedia: Monarch To Be The superior Of the universe , Digital worlds , And More universes , will bow to their Knees . (End of Scene)