| - This is basically a more intense version of the SF PvP you might do. Of course with guild wars, instead of a factional battle you have two guilds fighting each other head to head. This type of PvP can be much more fun, seeing as you don't wait for people to go overt as the enemy guild will actually remain hostile, giving you non-stop action. You can fight in your city or even within theirs. To begin a guild war, the leaders of both guilds need to go to the guild terminal and, under enemies, you can add or undeclare on previous enemies. There are signs to the panel, when the enemy guild has declared you will see a < sign. When you have declared you will see a >. When both sides has combined there will be a =, this is how you will know that the opposing guild is hostile.
- The games in the Guild Wars series were critically well received and won many editor's choice awards, as well as awards such as Best Value, Best Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, and Best Game. Guild Wars was noted for being one of the few commercially developed games in the MMORPG genre to offer online play without subscription fees, its instanced approach to MMORPG play, and the quality of the graphics and play for computers with low specifications.
- The terran Guild Wars were an economic and military conflict between the Kel-Morian Combine and the Terran Confederacy.
- Also look at Guild Battle League.
- Guild Wars (2005-Whenever), often known simply as Build Wars, is a computer graphic video game adventure disk available in very tightly packed and even more tightly packed versions. Guild Wars was a massive hit, especially among the elderly, the pregnant, and those who may become pregnant, and went on to sell millions of copies, due to the lack of any Monthly Costs. Guild Wars added many new features never before seen in a computer game, including: weapons, swords, fighting, and Scantily-Clad Females.
- La liste des principaux chapitres et de leurs extensions :
* Prophecies
* La Fournaise des Lamentations
* Le tombeau de rois primitifs
* Factions
* Nightfall
* Le Domaine de l'Angoisse
* Eye of the North
- Guild Wars Wiki espère offrir à la communauté des joueurs francophones de Guild Wars une documentation dans leur langue. Contrairement à GuildWiki, Guild Wars Wiki offre un espace pour les pages de builds, les pages de guildes et même un espace traitant de stratégie.
- [[Plik:Ofiara guild wars|thumb|250px|Ofiara Guild Wars i Mamusi]] Guild Wars – gra online stworzona w 2005 roku przez zbuntowanych graczy Tibii, firmę ArenaNet. Jedynym celem jej istnienia jest tak naprawdę leczenie uzależnień od Tibii poprzez uzależnianie od GW. Uzależniający wpływ gry jest niezwykły zważywszy na jej jakość – słabą po równi graficznie i muzycznie. Jest to jedna z niewielu gier w której chodzi nie tylko o expienie, lecz inną jego formę – grind tytułów stylu Legendarny Pucybut do granic nieskończoności i farm, dyscyplinę sportową uprawianą masowo przez Chińczyków.
- Zajebiście, ale i tak nikt nie jest takim debilem żeby się wysilić i przeczytać o czym ta gra jest.
- Guild Wars è un videogioco online scopiazzato in massima parte da World of Warcraft. Sviluppato da ArenaNet, in collaborazione con NCSoft, il sistema di gioco vanta una grande varietà di server di gioco[citazione necessaria], sparsi in tutto l'Universo conosciuto; la proliferazione dei server di Guild Wars farebbe impallidire addirittura quella di Tribalwars L'unica innovazione portata da questo titolo è l'assenza di canone mensile ; per il resto rimane il fratello cattivo di WoW, nonchè ventordicesimo figlio di Brooke. L'ambientazione generale del gioco è collocata in un mondo immaginario, chiamato Tyria. Questo mondo è diviso in 3 continenti: Tyria, Cantha ed Elona. Trovandoci in un'altra dimensione, dove Dio non esiste, il tempo è contato in maniera diversa prendendo come punto di rifer
- Jeu en ligne multi-joueurs (CORPG) peuplé de radins et de Kévins ne souhaitant pas payer d'abonnement. Ce jeu n'est pas destiné à ceux qui veulent jouer à quelque chose ressemblant à World Of Warcraft, mais convient aux pauvres qui doivent mendier pour subsister à leurs besoins.
- The reason for the war has never been defined, but it was generally held to lay in the chaotic situation after the Battle of the Gods. As of 22.05.08, I had the idea The Trade Guild is really the precursor to the MagoTech Corporation. MagoTech was founded by the Trade Guild emerging under one powerful leader and subjugating the Mage Guild. Thieves Guild was excluded. Each represent other type of fantasy – Trade Guild is represent Steampunk, Mage Guild is represent Fantasy, Thieves Guild is represent Cyberpunk. Guild Wars in Omega-XIII Guild Wars in Eurabia
- The game Guild Wars is what this Wiki is all about, so if you're reading this, chances are you already have got a rough idea about the game: Guild Wars is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) developed by ArenaNet, a software company fully owned by Korean gaming company NCSoft. Furthermore, unlike other MMORPGs, Guild Wars does not charge a monthly fee for playing the game. Instead, ArenaNet supports their online service through the release of new chapters, expansions, and the Guild Wars In-Game Store.
- Guild Wars is a Massively Multiplayer Online RPG whose distinguishing characteristic is that it is both subscription-free and not cack. An almost unique combination, though this is explained by the fact that players need to purchase the game itself. Several Board 8 members recently made new Guild Wars characters with the intention of all meeting up and (Possibly) forming or joining a Guild together. They include:
- Guild Wars (deutsch: Gildenkriege) ist ein klassenbasiertes Onlinespiel, das Ähnlichkeiten mit gängigen MMORPGs hat.Die Entwickler selbst charakterisieren Guild Wars als Competitive Online Roleplaying Game (CORPG), da ein spezielles Augenmerk darauf gelegt wurde, den PvP- und den PvE-Teil zu trennen. Der Spieler muss zum Spielen des Erstlings von ArenaNet lediglich eine gültige Version des Spiels besitzen und die anfallenden Onlineentgelte für die eigene Internetverbindung tragen – es wird kein monatliches Entgelt seitens des Spieleanbieters erhoben. Es gibt bisher drei eigenständige Kampagnen, die sowohl alleine als auch in Kombination gespielt werden können, sowie ein Add-on. Die Finanzierung erfolgt durch den Verkauf der ersten Kampagne Prophecies und den zwei neueren Factions und Night