| - Decrypted data contained in a dead man's neural hub pointed Jensen to an abandoned factory complex in Highland Park. Flown there by Faridah Malik, Jensen sets out to investigate the area. Little does he suspect what he will find...
- Shot down and ambushed by Belltower Associates, Jensen escaped into Lower Hengsha, still hoping to track Sarif's scientists. But the signal he was following ended in a gang of augmentation harvesters and the knowledge that at least one scientist was dead. Tong Si Hung, leader of the Harvesters, confirmed Belltower's involvement, before directing Jensen to a port used for human trafficking. With a bit of luck, he might end up where he most wanted to be...
- Several days after slipping aboard a Belltower ship, Jensen arrived at a remote laboratory complex in Singapore. Sarif's scientists were there, forced to create a unique biochip that could prevent people from using their augmented abilities. But millionaire Hugh Darrow, owner of the complex and willing participant in the Illuminati plan, had a different use in mind. Convinced that augmentations would be the death of mankind, Darrow used the chip to drive augmented people insane, setting off an event of horrific proportions that only Jensen can end...
- The year is 2027. Multinational biotech corporations specializing in human enhancement are vying for dominance in what has become a controversial field. Many engage in clandestine wars against each other, employing thieves, moles, and hackers to steal their competitors' ideas. To protect its research, Detroit-based Sarif Industries has recently developed its own internal security force. Enter Adam Jensen, newly appointed head of S.I. Security...
- Six months have passed since mysterious black op mercenaries attacked Sarif Industries, destroying labs and murdering the company's top researchers. Although nearly killed in the attack himself, Jensen has been called back to work in the middle of his post-op recover. Seems his boss, David Sarif, needs the newly-augmented Jensen's skills to protect the firm from yet another crisis...
- Shocking evidence pulled from TYM servers revealed a more elaborate plan than expected: Sarif Industries' top research team didn't die six months ago; the attack was staged to cover up their kidnappings! Desperate to learn more, Jensen confronted TYM's president in her penthouse, but Zhao tricked him and escaped into a panic room. Nevertheless, what little she said directed him to Picus Communications and the world's most famous newscaster...
- Inexplicably denied access to the augmented terrorist's corpse, Sarif sent Jensen to steal the dead man's neural hub from the morgue. At the same time Frank Pritchard, Sarif's Chief of Cyber-security, tried to figure out how the Aug had bypassed the company's firewall so easily. The hub Jensen steals provides his first clue: turns out, a very talented hacker had been controlling the terrorist's actions remotely, possibly from somewhere in Detroit...
- Determined to locate Sarif's scientists, Jensen tracked down Isaias Sandoval, personal assistant to America's most outspoken augmentation opponent. Sandoval admitted to operating on the scientists in hopes of disabling their implanted tracking devices, but refused to implicate his boss, Bill Taggart. Pritchard then traced one of the scientists' signals back to China, sending Jensen and Malik scrambling to find him. Unfortunately, the conspirators are still one step ahead...
- En route to recover the Typhoon, Jensen discovered a Purity First terrorist trying to steal it. But the so-called extremist was secretly augmented and killed himself to avoid interrogation. Hoping to find answers, Jensen confronted Zeke Sanders, the Purity First leader, who swore up and down he didn't know his man was enhanced. Jensen let Sanders escape, determined to focus on the Aug...
- Turns out, Jensen wasn't the only one interested in that Hengsha apartment: Belltower Associates, a private security firm under contract to the Chinese government, was searching it when he arrived. Jensen learned that Arie van Bruggen, the criminal hacker who lived there, was now running for his life. Who better to help him escape justice than the Triads? Confirming this meant a trip to the Hive nightclub, followed by a rendezvous at a capsule hotel...
- Jensen returned to Detroit, intending to confront Sarif and track down Eliza's second lead. But tensions between normal and augmented humans had reached a flashpoint: riots had erupted in several cities, and the U.N was being urged to intervene. Sarif admitted that the scientists were taken by the Illuminati, probably because of research they'd been conducting. Then he urged Jensen to get his people back, handing him a ticket to a Humanity Front convention...
- Sent to Highland Park to investigate a signal, Jensen discovered more than he bargained for: a secret FEMA facility temporarily occupied by black op mercenaries -- the same mercenaries who left him for dead six months ago. Forced into combat with a soldier named Barrett, Jensen proved victorious, emerging from battle with a corpse on his hands and another possible lead: an apartment complex in China named Hengsha Court Gardens...
- A group of anti-augmentation extremists calling themselves "Purity First" have broken into Sarif Industries' manufacturing plant and taken hostages. Detroit SWAT teams are ready to storm in, but Sarif needs to keep them out until a top secret military prototype can be hidden away. He's ordered Jensen to infiltrate the plant and retrieve the "Typhoon" swiftly, saving Sarif workers if he can...
- Arie van Bruggen had no qualms admitting involvement in the attacks against Sarif, and even gave Jensen the name of the woman who'd hired him: Zhao Yun Ru, president of the Tai Yong Medical Corporation. Seems TYM wants to monopolize the augmentation industry, and hired black op mercenaries to destabilize its competitors. But to prove this, Jensen needs to infiltrate the biotechnology giant and locate recorded evidence...
- Eliza Cassan wanted to tell Jensen everything she knew about the kidnappings, but "someone" wouldn't let her. That someone turned out to be Fedorova, another of the black op mercenaries. Jensen killed Fedorova in a tense yet silent fight, enabling Eliza to admit some truths. First: the world's most famous newscaster is actually an AI. Second: David Sarif knows more than he's told. And third: Jensen hasn't seen the last of anti-augmentation extremists...