| - For quotes, see Steve's Quotes or Monster Quotes.
- The corsair is a protoss anti-air-fighter spacecraft.
- Christopher Summers is the father of three sons,one of them being Alexander Summers aka Havok
- The Corsair was a Derriphan-class battleship first used by Naga Sadow during the Great Hyperspace War.
- The Corsair was a Federation starship. It's crew members included Captain Nobel and Lieutenant Suzy Kramer. In 2999, the ship traveled to a far off mining planet to investigate a problem. There, rouge Veritechs began attacking them. They were able to escape the first attack. (Robotech 3000)
- In starship classification the term corsair refers to a type of ship (spaceship or starship) that is a small, maneuverable, lightly armed warship, smaller than a frigate but larger than a planetary patrol craft. Before the advent of the 24th century's runabout type vessels and escorts, many Federation starbases were assigned their own corsairs for local space travel and defense. (Trekker's Alternity Galactopedia)
- The Corsair appears only in two missions as enemies and appears to be used by Murakumo Millennium. They appear in the missions:
* Destroy Plane Computer
* Destroy "Justice"
- Corsair is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
- To kill them, you had to avoid their projectiles, then return fire with a strong long range weapon. They were members of Captain Slag's crew. Rusty Pete referred to himself as a corsair at one point, and he is also shown with a gun in concept art, suggesting that he may be this class of pirate. Once Ratchet reaches Jasindu the corsairs gain red armour like the other space Pirates. They now have stronger attacks and are tougher to beat. In Ardolis, there is a skill point, called "Taste O' Yer Own Medicine", which can be obtained by defeating all corsairs in Ardolis using only the Combuster.
- The Corsairs are one of the largest criminal faction in the Sirius Sector. Being a faction stretched out for a living, they are known for attacks and raids on various transports and bases, as well as the trading of Artifacts. While their ancestors were from the sleeper ship Hispania like the Outcasts, the two factions despise one another. This is because both parties suspect the other for sabotaging the ship during the journey.
- Prefix Title earned by gaining +30,000 (Warmly) faction with the Seafury Buccaneers in South Freeport.
- Corsairs were Alliance Marines serving under an independent starship captain to conduct autonomous missions outside of Alliance jurisdiction, giving the Alliance the ability to disavow any knowledge of them. Such operatives were often granted considerable liberty and autonomy in order to facilitate efficient operation, though it was noted that even they were subjected to bureaucracy that impeded them. Jacob Taylor was a Corsair with the Alliance military before joining Cerberus.
- The Corsair was supposedly a cargo ship that sent a distress call to the Denobulan medical ship Barzai in 2154. The signal was in fact faked by a group of Augments led by Arik Soong to lure the Barzai to them. (ENT: "Cold Station 12") In the final draft script of "United" , the word "Corsair" was repeatedly used to refer to a Rigellian scoutship.
- The Corsair was a small S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace transport ship flown by Red Talon.
- The Corsair (湖賊 Kozoku lit. Lake Thief) is an enemy-only combat physical class that is exclusive to Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Considered to be something of an enigma, the Corsair class, according to the game's class roll, appears to be equivalent in every way to the Pirate class, wielding Axes and possessing the ability to traverse water-based tiles. The only noticeable difference is in the class descriptions, which allude to Corsairs being proficient at fighting in lakes whereas Pirates are prolific at fighting in seas, despite pirates having equal Movement to the corsairs in lakes.
- How does one begin to describe the complexitiy of a Heartless that begins to feel emotions? This boss heartless was created in secret by Primoris Carmina, who had to ally himself at the time with Master Xehanort, Vanitas, and Xigbar. This heartless was his covert black-ops agent whose missions included, gathering intel that could be used against the villains recruited by Xehanort, secretly locating the keyholes of worlds then strategizing how to breach its defenses, and lastly shadowing Sora to gather intel on the friends and allies he's made in every world.
- Christopher Summers is the leader of the Starjammers.
- Christopher Summers is the father of the mutants Cyclops and Havok. As Corsair he is the leader of the Starjammers.
- Which Corsair do you want?
* Corsair (Design) - A design for the Vengeance Starfighter.
* Corsair (Epsilon) - A moderately powerful alien in the Epsilon gate.
- A group of pirates from Elona, a large number were trapped during awakening of the Ancient Dragons. Many corsairs, dead and alive, now serve the Orr Dragon, and form a barrier preventing any help coming oversea, cutting Tyria off from the world...
- Corsair was a pirate on the Hunter Ocean. He also played on Viridian under the name Vimes, and long ago under the name Daveypenguin. He has since left the game.
- de:Freibeuter fr:Corsaire es:Corsario ja:コルセア __NOEDITSECTION__
- The Nightfall manual describes Corsairs as follows. "On land, Elona’s laws are defined and enforced by its three provincial governments. Life at sea is different. On every ship, a captain’s word is law, and many sailors follow their own personal codes of honor. Corsairs live outside the law, whether they’re standing on solid ground or the treacherous deck of a fast ship. As a matter of survival, each one recognizes the Code of the Corsairs, although many disagree on its particulars." "The most important concepts in the Code are loyalty to one’s captain (and the conditions under which you can justifiably mutiny), fair methods of distributing wealth (and the best times and places to steal it), and honorable ways of resolving differences (as well as the best ways to cheat in a duel). Land d
- For five novels, Clive Cussler has brought readers into the world of the Oregon, a seemingly dilapidated ship packed with sophisticated equipment, and captained by the rakish, one-legged Juan Cabrillo. And now the Oregon and its crew face their biggest challenge yet. Corsairs are pirates, and pirates come in many different varieties. There are the pirates who fought off the Barbary Coast in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the contemporary pirates who infest the waters of Africa and Asia, and the pirates . . . who look like something else.
- Corsair is a star system in the Antares Sector. The Terran Confederation forces that were in Firekka briefly retreated to Corsair after 5 Kilrathi battle fleets gathered to the system and Thrakhath nar Kiranka sent threats to the Confed forces. In the meantime, two pilots from the TCS Austin, Doomsday and Jazz, were transferred to the TCS Tiger's Claw. While there, Confed decided to refit captured Dralthi Mk. II fighters and use them in combat. Even after these successes, the Claw was outmanned and outgunned and decided to retreat immediately to the Vega Sector through the Charon system.
- The Corsair is a fast, medium sized warship, built by the Dark Templar to safeguard their nomadic fleets. Extremely quick and agile, the Corsair was a versatile addition to the Protoss fleet with the Dark Templar's reunion with their Khalai counterparts. Corsairs are designed for ship-to-ship combat, employing twin Neutron Flares. In addition, Corsair pilots can focus their psionic powers through their vessel's Neutron Emitters, which creates psionic static which disrupts neural impulses and renders computer-directed attacks inaccurate, making the Corsair a valuable part of siege warfare.
- The Corsair had several unique moves: Stealthily approaching her target, the Corsair swiftly unsheathes her cutlass. Before her target can stop her, she stabs their stomach, causing them to lean forward. Afterwards, she viciously twists the blade and kneels in the same movement, keenly freeing her sword and causing her victim to collapse backwards, bleeding to death.