Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Bramblestar's Storm. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Attributes | Values |
| - Bramblestar's Storm/Allegiances
| - Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Bramblestar's Storm. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
| - Onestar-brown tabby tom
- Bramblestar-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
- Mistystar-gray she-cat with blue eyes
- Blackstar-large white tom with one jet-black forepaw
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| - Amberpaw-pale ginger she-cat
- Dewpaw-gray-and-white tom
- Featherpaw-gray tabby she-cat
- Grasspaw-pale brown tabby she-cat
- Havenpaw-black-and-white she-cat
- Hootpaw-dark gray tom
- Lilypaw-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
- Lizardpaw-light brown tom
- Oatpaw-pale brown tabby tom
- Perchpaw-gray-and-white she-cat
- Seedpaw-golden-brown she-cat
- Snowpaw-white, fluffy tom
- Spikepaw-dark brown tom
- Slightpaw-black tom with flash of white on his chest
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| - Snaketail-dark brown tom with tabby-striped tailWhitewater-white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
- Purdy-plump tabby, former loner with a gray muzzle
- Whiskernose-light brown tomWhitetail-small white she-cat
- Ratscar-brown tom with long scar across his backOakfur-small brown tomSmokefoot-black tomKinkfur-tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all anglesIvytail-black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat
- Pouncefoot-ginger-and-white tomPebblefoot-mottled gray tomRushtail-light brown tabby tom
| - Daisy-cream, long-furred cat from the horseplace
- Icewing-white she-cat with blue eyes
- Petalfur-gray-and-white she-cat
- Sedgewhisker-light brown tabby she-cat
- Snowbird-pure-white she-catDawnpelt-cream-furred she-cat
| - Reedwhisker-black tomApprentice, Lizardpaw
- Rowanclaw-ginger tom
- Squirrelflight-dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
- Harespring-brown-and-white tomApprentice: Slightpaw
| - Leafpool-light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
- Littlecloud-very small tabby tom
- Jayfeather-gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
- Kestrelflight-mottled gray tom
- Mothwing-dappled golden she-catWillowshine-gray tabby she-cat
| - Duskfur-brown tabby she-catMosspelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyesApprentice, Perchpaw
- Apprentice, OatpawEmberfoot-gray tom with two dark pawsHeathertail-light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
- Mallownose-light brown tabby tomApprentice, HavenpawGrasspelt-light brown tom
- Apprentice, SeedpawCherryfall-ginger she-cat
- Apprentice, Spikepaw
- Breezepelt-black tom with amber eyes
- Crouchfoot-ginger tom
- Crowfeather-dark gray tomApprentice, Featherpaw
- Furzepelt-gray-and-white she-cat
- Heronwing-dark gray-and-black tom
- Lakeheart-gray tabby she-cat
- Larkwing-pale brown tabby she-cat
- Molewhisker-brown-and-cream tom
- Nightcloud-black she-catApprentice, Hootpaw
- Pinenose-black she-cat
- Pouncetail-brown tabby tom
- Shimmerpelt-silver she-cat
- Stoatfur-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
- Apprentice, AmberpawBirchfall-light brown tabby tomWhitewing-white she-cat with green eyes
- Apprentice, Snowpaw Lionblaze-golden tabby tom with amber eyesDovewing-pale gray she-cat with blue eyesRosepetal-dark cream she-catPoppyfrost-tortoiseshell she-cat
- Mintfur-light gray tabby tomMinnowtail-dark gray she-cat
- Crowfrost-black-and-white tomTawnypelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
- Apprentice, DewpawBerrynose-cream-colored tomMousewhisker-gray-and-white tomCinderheart-gray tabby she-catIvypool-silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
- Gorsetail-very pale gray-and-white tom with blue eyesWeaselfur-ginger tom with white pawsLeaftail-dark tabby tom, amber eyes
- Apprentice, GrasspawOwlclaw-light brown tabby tomScorchfur-dark gray tomTigerheart-dark brown tabby tomFerretclaw-black-and-gray tom
- Apprentice, LilypawBriarlight-dark brown she-cat with sky-colored eyes, paralyzed in her hindquarters Blossomfall-tortoiseshell-and-white she-catBumblestripe-very pale gray tom with black stripes
- Graystripe-long-haired gray tomDustpelt-dark brown tabby tomSandstorm-pale ginger she-cat with green eyesBrackenfur-golden-brown tabby tomCloudtail-long-haired white tom with blue eyesBrightheart-white she-cat with ginger patchesMillie-striped gray tabby she-cat with blue eyesThornclaw-golden-brown tabby tomSpiderleg-long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
| - Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Bramblestar's Storm. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.