The Hozen are a race of monkey-like creatures native to Pandaria. They are mischievous in nature, often playing pranks on the local pandaren. They play a major role in the dungeon, Stormstout Brewery, which they have overrun. When Horde players arrive at the Jade Forest, they hope to make a partnership with the Hozen for resources. They have historically raided the Jinyu and have been longtime enemies.
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- Hozen
- Hozen
- Hozen
- Hozen
| - Les Hozens sont des humanoïdes à l'aspect de singes, vivant en Pandarie et sur l'île Vagabonde. Ils vivent en clan, plus ou moins nombreux. Ce sont des créatures brutales, grossières, vicieuses et malveillantes qui peuvent se montrer très agressives. De ce fait, ils possèdent de nombreux ennemis.
- The Hozen are a race of monkey-like creatures native to Pandaria. They are mischievous in nature, often playing pranks on the local pandaren. They play a major role in the dungeon, Stormstout Brewery, which they have overrun. When Horde players arrive at the Jade Forest, they hope to make a partnership with the Hozen for resources. They have historically raided the Jinyu and have been longtime enemies.
- An additional fact that individuals don't know about Hozen, if they know him at all, is that he was one of the first ancestors to the common-day Uzumaki Clan. Ordered by Tenzu to procreate and teach humans the art of using unique masks which may summon the presence of beings known as Shinigami; one of them included Tenzu's father, Hamura Ōtsutsuki, within them. While adorning this disguise, Hozen named himself Uzumaki (渦巻き, Whirlpool) as an ironic comment to how the world would end in a spiral. Little did he know that the faith of the world would ride on one of these spirals, a twist of irony which he thoroughly enjoyed retelling to Tenzu along their many travels.
- Los Hozen son una raza parecida a los monos nativa de Pandaria. Son traviesos por naturaleza, a menudo gastandoles bromas a los pandaren. Se espera que tengan un papel importante en la mazmorra, Cervecería del Trueno, la cual han invadido. Cuando los jugadores de la Horda llega al Bosque de Jade, esperan realizar una alianza con los Hozen por sus recursos. Han atacado históricamente a los Jinyu ya que han sido enemigos de toda la vida.
- Hozen to małpo-podobna rasa żyjąca w Pandarii. Życie hozenów jest raczej krótkie, są także bardzo niedojrzałą, gwałtowną i lubiącą się bawić rasą. Są psotnikami, którzy często robią innym psikusy i zachowują się jak grupa 14-letnich chłopców biegających razem po dżungli. Hozeni są rdzennymi mieszkańcami Pandarii i można ich znaleźć na całym kontynencie.
- thumb|leftDie Ho-zen sind heißblütiges, gewalttätiges und kurzlebiges Volk von Affenmenschen, welches auf Pandaria zu finden ist. Sie lieben es den Pandaren Streiche zu spielen. Die im Jadewald lebenden Wald-Ho-zen stehen anfangs im Konflikt mit der Horde, schließen sich dieser jedoch an, nachdem die Angriffstreitmacht der Wald-Ho-zen dezimiert und ihr Häuptling Djuuk-Uukem (welcher jedoch als Teil der Horde wieder auftaucht) getötet wurde. Danach bilden die Wald-Ho-zen die Hauptstreitkräfte der Horde im Jadewald im Kampf gegen die Allianz und deren neuen Verbündeten, die Jinyu.
- Hozen are a monkey-like species of sapients native to the mysterious continent of Pandaria on the planet Azeroth. Mischievous by nature, they often can be seen playing pranks on their neighbors, the Pandaren. They are longtime rivals of the Jinyu due to their historic raiding of them. During the conflict that revealed the continent of Pandaria to the majority of the world, the Horde arrived in the Jade Forest and allied with a Hozen subspecies there known simply as the Forest Hozen.
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- Independent, Horde , Tillers, Pandaren
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| - Pandarie, Forêt de Jade, l'île Vagabonde, Etendues sauvages de Krasarang, Vallée des Quatre vents, Sommet Kun-Lai
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| - Les Hozens sont des humanoïdes à l'aspect de singes, vivant en Pandarie et sur l'île Vagabonde. Ils vivent en clan, plus ou moins nombreux. Ce sont des créatures brutales, grossières, vicieuses et malveillantes qui peuvent se montrer très agressives. De ce fait, ils possèdent de nombreux ennemis.
- The Hozen are a race of monkey-like creatures native to Pandaria. They are mischievous in nature, often playing pranks on the local pandaren. They play a major role in the dungeon, Stormstout Brewery, which they have overrun. When Horde players arrive at the Jade Forest, they hope to make a partnership with the Hozen for resources. They have historically raided the Jinyu and have been longtime enemies.
- Hozen are a monkey-like species of sapients native to the mysterious continent of Pandaria on the planet Azeroth. Mischievous by nature, they often can be seen playing pranks on their neighbors, the Pandaren. They are longtime rivals of the Jinyu due to their historic raiding of them. During the conflict that revealed the continent of Pandaria to the majority of the world, the Horde arrived in the Jade Forest and allied with a Hozen subspecies there known simply as the Forest Hozen. Uncannily dextrous foragers and hunters, the Hozen dwell in clans amongst the treetops as well as on the mountains of Pandaria and the Wandering Isle. Extremely short-lived (with their elders often being no older than twenty), their society suffers through a lack of roots and of rules. This also likely leads to their uncouth and impulsive attitudes, but nonetheless they play, live and squabble together—that is until their clans grow so large that they simply collapse into multiple smaller ones. The other sapient Pandarian races are careful to avoid any Hozen hunting ground, as their notoriously short tempers will become even shorter should their hunger push entire clans, including the elderly and young Hozen, to ravage food sources outside of their own territories. This seems to only be stopped when they have gathered enough food to feed themselves or they have seen enough Hozens die to ensure the survivors' continued existence.
- An additional fact that individuals don't know about Hozen, if they know him at all, is that he was one of the first ancestors to the common-day Uzumaki Clan. Ordered by Tenzu to procreate and teach humans the art of using unique masks which may summon the presence of beings known as Shinigami; one of them included Tenzu's father, Hamura Ōtsutsuki, within them. While adorning this disguise, Hozen named himself Uzumaki (渦巻き, Whirlpool) as an ironic comment to how the world would end in a spiral. Little did he know that the faith of the world would ride on one of these spirals, a twist of irony which he thoroughly enjoyed retelling to Tenzu along their many travels.