| - Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 111020
- To be ahead of schedule. To be on time. To be early. After. Before. To be tanned. Early. Late. Yesterday. The day after. From now on/from then on. To be wet. To be soaked. To predict. During. Soon. Always/still. Not yet. Never. To eat an almond. Pleasure. Haste. To have a rash. Usually. Usually. In the past. A week. A month. A day. Everything. Everybody. To take a shower. Sometimes. The training course. To rush. To hurry. Just a moment! Please hold (on)!
- Ink can be obtained by collecting bugs from Gaia Towns and exchanging them with Moira at the Durem Depot in Durem via the Exchange Bugs. This ink can be taken to Devin at Skin Tyte in Durem and either mixed into different colors or made into tattoos via the Exchange Inks. Ink can also be used in the Exchange Flowers at the Buttercup Cafe in Barton Town where Rina will use it to dye the paper and ribbons of flower bouquets. Ink can also be bought in the Marketplace, traded with other Gaians or won from the Daily Chance.
- Ink (Eric Gitter) is a mutant who appears in X-Men: Days of Future Past
- Ink is a liquid compound containing pigment or dye. Ink is used in a variety of applications including calligraphy, painting, stamping/printmaking, and writing with the aid of a pen, quill, or stamp. Ink is a complex medium, comprising of solvents, pigments, dyes, resins, lubricants, solubilizers, surfactants, particulate matter, fluoresces, and other materials.
- Ink is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game.
- Ink was a common export from Clear Water Village.
- Ink was one of Jigsaw's henchmen.
- "Ink that seems perfect for filling in a Daruma's eye. Using it to pursue a career in Calligraphy might also be a good idea."
- It is also seen in Chroma City Fun Park that Graydians release ink, most likely because of their unhappiness. A basic Inky's batton could contain a certain ammount of Ink, as when Blob is hit by an Inky's batton he is then inked. One may become confused how a Raydian reacts to Ink. If they are squished by Blob while he is inked, the Raydian dies. In De Blob 2, if they drink ink directly they are turned into a mindless Blanc.
- Ink is a minor character in the Wild Cards series of books.
- InK(インク)は電気グルーヴの石野卓球とTOKYO No.1 SOUL SETの川辺ヒロシのコラボレーションによるスペシャルユニットである。2006年キューンレコードより「C-46」を発表。単発的なプロジェクトではなく、今後も継続して活動していくという意向が示されている。
- Ink was a substance used in writing. In 2269, Spock expressed confusion about the fact that a previously unknown waltz written by Johannes Brahms was written in modern ink. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" )
- There are 2 (possibly more?) main types of ink for printing on fabric - water-based inks and plastisol inks.
- "Ink" is the second chapter of Volume Five of Heroes. It originally aired on September 28, 2009.
- Ink is a liquid with a strong colour used for writing and printing. It can turn invisible whenever it detects that you have a term paper or other important document to print.
- Inks are ingredients for the Inscription and Engineering professions in World of Warcraft.
- Inks are ingredients for the Inscription and Engineering professions in World of Warcraft.
- After getting hit by enemy ink in some way, depending on the weapon used, an Inkling will get splattered and will later respawn. If they are not splatted, the Ink will still give away their location to the enemy team on the map. Ink can also be fired at the ground, walls, and other surfaces. Once a surface is inked, Inklings in squid form can swim through it, allowing them to traverse the land very fast. When staying still in the ink, squid form Inklings can hide and ambush enemies and when moving they will only create small ripples.
- Ink is the Endowment of the hunter conspiracy The Knights of Saint Adrian in Hunter: The Vigil. The angel who fixed up Casey Howard’s arm did it by tattooing her in angelic script that appears both high tech and arcane. Every so often, he comes by to outfit the new hires with Ink, holy marks that help in the endless hunt for demons. Where demons are generally subtle, Inks are more blunt instruments. A character’s total dots in Endowment determine how many pieces of Ink he or she has. There is not a limit to five dots in this regard.
- The Ink (D'ni: reh-lehm) is a special component of The Art with which Descriptive Books and Linking Books must be written in order to be functional. The special formula and procedure of making the Ink was a possession of the Guild of Ink Makers. It is suggested in a D'ni proverb that a scarab is required to "reveal" the Ink. This must be a reason that there are beetles on Riven. Gehn's inkstand is an elaborate moel of a beetle.
- Ink is a liquid containing dye(s) or natural colouring(s). When it is used, it produces images and texts on various surfaces and media. Ink is used in conjunction with quills to write on parchments by wizards and witches in the wizarding world in place of the pens and pencils in the Muggle world. There are several types of inks, such as Azul Marino ink, various forms and types of invisible ink, Disappearing Ink, glow-in-the-dark ink, acidic ink, Self-Correcting Ink, Colour-Change Ink and Everlasting Ink. Harry Potter seemed to prefer a scarlet-coloured ink.
- Ink is one of the founding members of the current team of the Young X-Men. He is a loud-mouthed and rude teenager with a criminal past. He is introduced when two police officers attempt to arrest him in a tattoo parlor. He fights back using his newly-acquired ability to make others violently ill with a touch by utilizing a new tattoo on his hand of a biohazard symbol, but is arrested anyway. While Ink waits in jail, a prison guard releases him, in the process revealing himself to be Cyclops, leader of the X-Men. In short order, Eric is recruited into Cyclops' junior X-Men team. The teens are assembled in the Danger Cave, a training facility where they train for their first mission: assassinating the original members of the New Mutants who has gone rogue. Cyclops sends Ink and another recru