| - Interprète Saison(s) Apparaît dans Première apparition Dernière apparition Mentionné dans Espèce Titre(s) Alias Statut Âge Naissance Mort Origine Allégeance Culture Religion Relation Parents Enfant(s) Bâtard Fratrie Famille Baelor Targaryen est un personnage mentionné dans les première, quatrième, cinquième et septième saisons. Il appartient à la dynastie Targaryen.
- Baelor Targaryen was born in the year 333AC, the third son of Aemon Targaryen and Saera Celtigar. He was granted the title Prince of Summerhall in 346AC, as well as the rights to rebuild and occupy the castle itself, over his uncle Baelon. Baelor is the founder of the cadet branch of House Targaryen - House Targaryen of Summerhall.
- Baelor Targaryen, popularly known as Baelor Breakspear, was King Daeron II Targaryen's eldest son and heir. Baelor was also the elder brother of King Aerys I Targaryen, King Maekar I Targaryen, and was Hand of the King during his father's reign.
- King Baelor I Targaryen, full name Baelor of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, called Baelor the Blessed and Baelor the Beloved, is a mentioned character in the first, fourth and fifth seasons. He died before the time of the series, and is not expected to appear.
- Prinz Baelor Targaryen, auch bekannt als Speerbrecher (Band 6: Bruchspeer; engl.: Breakspear), war ein Mitglied des Hauses Targaryen und der älteste Sohn von König Daeron II. Targaryen und Prinzessin Myriah Martell. Er war mit Jena Dondarrion verheiratet, mit der er zwei Söhne hatte, die Prinzen Valarr und Matarys Targaryen.
- . Name Gender Alias Hobby Baelor Targaryen was the eldest child of Daeron II Targaryen "the Good" and Mariah Martell. He was heir to the Iron Throne and Prince of Dragonstone. He was known as Baelor Breakspear. Sadly later that year the Spring Sickness killed not only Daeron II but Baelor's sons.