| - The Swollen Eyeball Network is a secret organization from the Invader Zim series, devoted to investigate paranormal activity. Dib is member of this organization, and his nickname inside of The Swollen Eyeball Network is "Agent Moth Man". This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- obsessed with the paranormal, including aliens, Bigfoot, and ghosts. Dib is one of their members, who, unfortunately, has been made a fool of in the eyes of his organization many times, most notabaly in "Zim Eats Waffles". They sometimes help Dib fight Zim, as shown in "Battle of the Planets". It was confirmed by the series' creator that the Swollen Eyeball Network would help Dib fight. Most of the time, however, a vast majority of the agents are simply annoyed by Dib.
| - The Swollen Eyeball Network is a secret organization from the Invader Zim series, devoted to investigate paranormal activity. Dib is member of this organization, and his nickname inside of The Swollen Eyeball Network is "Agent Moth Man". This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- obsessed with the paranormal, including aliens, Bigfoot, and ghosts. Dib is one of their members, who, unfortunately, has been made a fool of in the eyes of his organization many times, most notabaly in "Zim Eats Waffles". They sometimes help Dib fight Zim, as shown in "Battle of the Planets". It was confirmed by the series' creator that the Swollen Eyeball Network would help Dib fight. Most of the time, however, a vast majority of the agents are simply annoyed by Dib. The exact extent, founder, goal, and power of the organization is unknown, although multiple factors suggest that they are more powerful than one might assume. The technology used by Swollen Eyeball members seems advanced, as they have been show to use a two way camera/video screen that hovers in midair, an example shown in "Zim Eats Waffles". In the episode "Battle-Dib", there was a very large audience when Dib went to make his presentation on Zim (which he accidentally left behind and was unable to show them).