| - an swer. But is it the final answer, or just another chance for the Freelander to prove himself? 639 - Cat Blues In the shadow of the landmark known as the Great Oak, set beneath a magnificent canopy of bright moons and incandescent stars, two friends - Serath Kahar and Milora Lomasa - put aside rank and station to finish off a day spent exploring Light's Reach by speaking of such things as marriage, love, strife, faith, bards... and even dragons. 640 - Too Much Truth Syton Temple comes calling on the Arbiter Milora Lomasa and her betrothed, Norran Lomasa, at Riverhold Castle. The Freelander and Lady Mily exchange passionate opinions about how she should handle the Night's Edge situation. 641(a) - Dance Along the Edge - Arrival 641(b) - Dance Along the Edge - Step Carefully 641(c) - Dance Along the Edge - In the Garden 641(d) - Dance Along the Edge - Swords Before Words 641(e) - Dance Along the Edge - Finally What happens when the Arbiter shows up for a surprise visit to Night's Edge, only to find it besieged by various friends and family partaking in the reprieve from the rains? Above, the proceedings of the event are recorded. Note: Swords Before Words and Finally occurred during the Blood for the Fields event. 642 - In Search of a Cooler Head After a midnight ride from Night's Edge to Jade Gardens Keep, Lyddmull Seamel awaits the return of his Patriarch, Duke Duhnen Seamel to return, seeking his counsel concerning the unravelling situation taking place at Night's Edge. 643 - Monochrome A stumble in the dark, a blunder through a shroud of rain, and one wrong turn at a critical juncture, leads a self-styled Hedge Wizard to happen upon a secret as old as Fastheld itself; a secret that just happens to host an enigma far older than even the secret itself, and an encounter that the Hedge Wizard is not likely to soon forget... 644(a) - Blood for the Fields: Day 1 644(b) - Blood for the Fields: Day 1 - Aftermath A midnight stroll through the Mikin Woods demonstrates to many that the closer you get to the light, the greater the shadows become. It is a lesson with disasterous results. Meanwhile, a peaceful walk along Mikin Road turns choatic as a Knight of the Order of the Imperial Crown and a member of the Imperial Tribunal stumble upon the carnage, doing their best to resolve the situation, before more arcane means become the only real solution to the darkness within. 645(a) - Blood for the Fields: Day 2 645(b) - Blood for the Fields: Day 2 - Triage 645(c) - Blood for the Fields: Day 2 - Aftermath The Lomasa City of East Leg recieves a number of unwanted visitors that prove themselves to be guests of the very worst kind. Many fall on this night, and many more are wounded, but from the disaster can a glimmer of luck be found all the same. 645.5 - Request for the Raven In the wake of the events at East Leg, Duke Norran Lomasa and Lucius Nepos travel to the West Aegis Garrison in order to present a very unusual and equally dramatic proposal to one Captain Iselore Zahir. 646 - Blood for the Fields: Day 5 - The Wrong Emissary A lone wildling attacks Freehaven, giving Varal Mikin the unique opportunity to negotiate with the new threat facing Fastheld. 647 - Honor's Demand After a sennight of stagnated plans, Duke Norran Lomasa and Baron Lyddmull Seamel journey outside of Light's Reach as dawn approaches from the east to finally complete their duel. 647.5 - Honor's Demand - Aftermath Where Duke Seamel stops by the Light's Reach infirmary to meet with his injured cousin. 648(a) - An Intimate Affair - The Wedding 648(b) - An Intimate Affair - Sexy Results In which Norran Lomasa makes Milora Lomasa his duchess at last. Cameos by some duchesses, some Lomasas, and Savantis Kahar. We give it a year. 649 - Brewing Storm A powerful mage walks through Fastheld, leaving confusion and injuries in her wake. This is the series of logs for the plot, Brewing Storm. 650 - Of Relics and Recognition A certain Hedge Wizard finds himself kidnapped by eldritch forces and transported into the middle of a forest beyond the walls of the Empire of Fastheld. There he meets the maestro of the event, the black dragon Zael'tharalax, and - once again - leaves the encounter a different person than the one that arrived. 651(a) - Journey to the Far Beneath, Part 1 651(b) - Journey to the Far Beneath, Part 2 In which a group of intrepid Halaghi explorers are recruited by inventor Hal'liden to pilot a massive tunneling machine into the dormant volcano of Nu-Halagh. They happen upon a strange ruin within the igneous underbelly... 652 - A Song For The North After his encounter with the black dragon Zael'tharalax, Syton Temple believes he holds part of the key to unlocking the Song Portal that sleeps within the city of Light's Reach. With the help of a Prince, and a few friends, the Hedge Wizard puts his theory to the test... 653 - Ducal Council: Of Meetings And All Things Politicking The Ducal Council calls a meeting of its members to vote on various matters of state. The majority of the House leaders manage to show up, excepting House Mikin. It turns out to be a grand affair, for no one manages to be injured or dead. 654 - Rainstorm Reflections Seamel and Dire Wolf take a few moments to talk and consider the future. 655 - At A Loss Celeste Mikin thought it would be safe to leave him alone for a little bit. Alas, when Aylon Zahir decides to seek revenge, it is of the most despicable kind... et tu chickens? 656 - Trials and Tribunalations On a whim, Taran Songbird does the unthinkable and decides to use the law to assist in solving a problem that plagues Fastheld. With a little help from a Prince and the resources of an Imperial Faction alike, Taran does not find his faith lacking. 657 - Puppy Love The wedding of Kael Firelight and Meian Skygleam and the friends at their side for the joyous occasion. 658 - Fire and Ice Trouble brews in Northreach between Elise Huntsmoon and Kallyn Lake, wherein harsh words, and even a physical threat, are exchanged. 659 - The Death of Song, and a Song of Death Just how bad a trill player do you have to be to upset a bard AND a Dragon? Trust Aeseyri, Tshepsi, Taran Songbird, Dwynwen, and others to be the ones to answer that question. 660(a) - Cries in the Night: The Scream Following the initial drake sighting, another more frightening one makes a second pass the next night. Taran Songbird and Sandrim seek the Archmage's counseling as to how they should proceed. Naturally, questions are answered with questions. 660(b) - Cries in the Night: The Plan Lack of answers from Fastheld requires more drastic measures to be taken. Tshepsi instructs the small group - Taran Songbird, Sandrim, and Evaryn - of the precarious steps that should follow after concluding that the Singer's persistence can not be put to rest. 660(c) - Cries in the Night: The Rune A full day's hours come to pass before the brave bard Taran Songbird is summoned again by her Ladyship Tshepsi. Much more had transpired over that 24 hour period than runemaking alone. 661 - The Trap Sometimes, there be Dragons. Sometimes, there are plots and plans of a more dangerous sort. And sometimes? Sometimes, intrigue happens from a chance comment and a moment in passing that are cast on the wind out of affections, rather than hatred. This is a series of logs for an arc of a... different sort. 662 - To Sack a Duchess What began as an offhand remark comes full circle into a dreaded reality as Rowena Mikin is led to Night's Edge Monastery and to a rather unanticipated, if not undeserved, fate. 663(a) - In Amber Clad: Part 1 663(b) - In Amber Clad: Part 2 It is said that a Prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. Prince Serath Kahar finds himself held to such thoughts as he walks a path paved with good intentions. Lead by Vhramis Wolfsbane on this sanctimonious trail, those who seek to manipulate for the greater good soon find themselves facing the dire consequences of such pharisaic assumptions - consequences that may threaten to tear the Empire in two. 664(a) - Carved in Stone 664(b) - Carved in Stone pt. 2 A bard is just a professional fool who can sing on key, as one Songbird proves when he and two Wildlander friends dare the lair of a long dead mage to save the life of a woman none of them have ever met, and barely escape the wrath of that dead mage - and one living Archmage - alive. Takes place the same night as In Amber Clad. 665 - More To Say A conversation between old friends Lucius Nepos and Milora Lomasa grows very heated very quickly when the Arbiter is approached in a moment of thought. Irony ensues: the Duchess shows off a foul mouth and a bad temper while the ex-Blade keeps a cool and rational head in the face of her wrath. 666 - Picking up the Pieces Rowena Mikin performs the clean up duty after Kael Firelight's mastermind plan is engulfed in the flames of a Prince's fury. Forgiveness is granted and courage summoned to face the troubled waters ahead. 667 - Revelation Blackfox seeks out the Lady Tshepsi in attempts to help a woman recovered from Shadow's lair, presumeably by the bard, Taran Songbird. The pieces of the puzzle involving cries in the night start to fit more solidly together in the eyes of the Archmage and offers a clue as to the Shadow's next move. 668 - The Queen and the Soldier Who always said that fairy tale stories always had a happy ending? When presented with the simplest of questions, sometimes it is not one's heart that wins out but duty. 669 - Again Long ago, Milora Lomasa and Celeste Mikin met in the performance hall of the Lightholder Tavern during a quiet moment to have a few negotiations; here they remeet on much more uneven terrain to settle a long-winded dispute ... with a little success. 670 - When Dukes Attack! As Kael Firelight and Kallyn Lake talk of sparring and lighter things, they are overheard by the Duke Norran Lomasa. With Milora Lomasa and Karell Mikin looking on, things take a true turn for the surreal. 671a - Battered Dreams Another endeavor into the dark to see what lies beneath. Yet, the motley adventurers find more than they bargained for but not without first doing a bit of damage. 671b - Nightfall Some great evils are vanquished... and others deliver ingonimous defeat. In the light of the last fading moon, the Shadow stands tall, and delivers a bloody blow to those that would oppose it. 672 - Heartless Meian Firelight returns to Crown's Refuge in search of a healer, but instead finds a familiar face she'd probably rather not have. 673 - Pants! .... sometimes, trousers are a moral imperative. 674 - A Taste of Bitters A group of would-be heroes gather to talk, and seeking a silver lining in a night of violence and the loss of a friend. 675 - The Silver Lining Even in darkness, Light finds a way. Griedan and Adrianna bring a bit of their light to friends and family in the form of a bedside wedding. 676(a) - Rage Against The Machine: Part I 676(b) - Rage Against The Machine: Part II Kallyn Lake and Karell Mikin find an immediate disliking for each other, which quickly elevates into a fight. Later, Karell meets a different Kallyn who is fretting over the return of her friends. Inevitably, however, they end up fighting again. 677 - Foot In Mouth Spurred by Kallyn's revelations, Karell Mikin travels to Crowns Refuge only to arrive and, within an hour, upset the Archon and get himself kicked out and banned. 678 - Long Night In Northreach Commoners are nothing but trouble. 679 - A Trail Gone Cold Sometimes the only way to find something is to stop looking. 680 - Home From the Wilds Sandrim and Blackfox discuss life and home in their camp on the sierra. 681 - Too Many Zahirs Voreyn Zahir and Thayndor Zahir take a walk through Northreach. Before they know it they are caught in a swarm of people as petty jealousies and intrigues unfold! 682 - Seamel in the Spire Duhnen Seamel visits Crown's Refuge for a meeting with Tshepsi. 683 - Lock Your Doors, Ladies! Baron Godric Lomasa rides to Hawk's Aerie and stops at The Thirsty Trout where he chances to meet his cousin Viscount Farrel Lomasa. Baroness Aylina Zahir blows in out of the cold and joins their party. Excellent background drama (with sexy results!) from Adrianna, Griedan, and Otto Stonefish. The night ends with a hapless (or topless) mistake! 684(a) - The Lesson: To a Head Kallyn Lake stumbles upon some horseplay involving her friends Kael Firelight, Meian Firelight, and Celeste Mikin. After the fun, Kallyn and Gefrey Seamel engage in a heated argument, ending in a way that might finally force the redhead to take a hard look at herself. 684(b) - The Lesson: The Hard Way Later on the Night of "To a Head", Celeste Mikin pays Kallyn a visit, and they share a deep conversation. The arrival of Eldan Zahir cuts matter short, however. 684(c) - The Lesson: Choices Celeste Mikin returns to Kallyn Lake's cell, bringing with her Gefrey Seamel and a choice with no simple response. 684(d) - The Lesson: Cut Short Later on the night of "Choices", Duke Duhnen Seamel releases Kallyn, as Celeste arrived to give his Grace some disturbing news. 685 - When Hell Breaks Loose Kallyn Lake is arrested (again) by Duke Duhnen Seamel, this time on imperial orders. The redhead cooperates, but when the sharp-tongued Duchess Sahna Nillu expresses her opinion on the matter, things take a turn for the terrifying. 686(a) - Unmarked Package When Taran Songbird makes an unscheduled appearance in the Wailing Wench, Gefrey Seamel and Tor Nillu intervene. 686(b) - Seamel Hospitality Taran Songbird (jailed) and Duhnen Seamel (not) have a chat. 687 - Ruffled Feathers Discussion at the North Gate of plans and happenings in Northreach takes a distinctly unfriendly turn. 688 - An Audience with the Regent Voreyn Zahir calls upon the Regent of Fastheld, Zolor Zahir, to discuss the recent matter over the arrested "Ambassador" of Crown's Refuge, Taran Songbird. 689(a) - Goading the Seamel Three Barons exchange some heated words, and a Mikin tries to soothe rivalries. Including Gefrey Seamel, Tor Nillu, Godric Lomasa, and Celeste Mikin. 689(b) - Humbling the Lomasa Godric Lomasa's disapproval of a certain Nillu Baron causes thraetening words from the Nillu Duchess, Sahna Nillu. The Lomasa must bend the knee in apology, or face the consequences of her wroth. Including Celeste Mikin and Nayla Zahir. 689(c) - Illusions of Zolor Zahir Gabriella Seamel is distraught at recent events in Northreach. A tense situation involves drawn knives, shouting Nobles and Freelanders, threats, a travelling merchant, and the unexpected visit of Zolor Zahir. Including Sahna Nillu, Nayla Zahir, Godric Lomasa, Lucius Nepos, and Eggelbert. 690 - Under-hoof Wherein Godric Lomasa encounters the wildlanders Bloodstone and Evaryn Nightveil, along with the na-Torchbearer Lucius Nepos, and a strange series of offenses and events ensues... 691 - Ambush, Aye, Aye, Sure 'Nuff A man of Darkwater is more than he seems -- and the agents of a dark intellect set out to take that which is his. Starring Otto Stonefish. 692 - Helping Hand The Lord of Darkwater, Thayndor Zahir, seeks counsel about a seemingly harmless artifact in the care of a seemingly simple man. Appearances, it is quickly revealed, can be deceiving. 693 - Treesnake Apparently, snatching eggs is a passtime that can get one into a great deal of trouble. Of course, sometimes trees can lend a helping hand... 694(a) - Aegis Attacks: Introduction A marked Freelander makes a long, doomed journey to Northreach. The Lord of Darkwater, Thayndor Zahir, tries to get answers before he expires. Trouble haunts the Aegis Road. 694(b) - Aegis Attacks: The Task Norran Lomasa visits Hawk's Aerie with his squire Baron Regius Lomasa, and informs his kinsman Godric Lomasa of a heinous crime along the Aegis Road. The Knight of the Silver Tankard is charged with bringing justice to the culprits. 695 - Politics, Cousin A Noblewoman crowding one of Thayndor Zahir's retainers draws a visit from the Lord of Darkwater seeking a little distance -- but she counters that, perhaps, he needs the help ... 696 - Cut My Purse Gabriella Seamel exerts her influence. Godric Lomasa loses his money to a skilled cutpurse. Thayndor Zahir positions himself to profit from all of it. With Marisa, Malia, Benedict and Gefrey Seamel.