| - With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in television history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, brought the show tremendous success. Bonus Interviews: Actors David Selby, John Karlen, James Storm and creator/executive producer Dan Curtis.
| - With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in television history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, brought the show tremendous success. At Collinwood in the year 1840, governess Daphnee Harridge finds a letter from her absent sister warning her to stay away from Quentin Collins. Roxanne Drew rises as a vampire. Lamar Trask discovers Quentin's Laboratory and proclaims that he will be placed on trial for witchcraft. Barnabas and Desmond Collins vow to save Quentin from being executed. Gabriel Collins plots to revise his father Daniel's will so that he and Edith Collins will inherit the entire family fortune. After reading servant Ben Stoke's diary from 1795, Trask finds the skeleton of his father bricked up in The Old House basement and plans revenge on Barnabas. Angelique realizes that Barnabas' claim that Gerard Stiles is possessed by Judah Zachery may be true. Bonus Interviews: Actors David Selby, John Karlen, James Storm and creator/executive producer Dan Curtis. Staring: Jonathan Frid, Joan Bennett, David Selby, Nancy Barrett, Louis Edmonds, Grayson Hall, John Karlen, Lara Parker, Jerry Lacy, Kate Jackson, Humbert Allen Astredo, Christopher Pennock, Terry Crawford, James Storm, Donna Wandrey, Michael Stroka, Virginia Vestoff, Thayer David, Kathy Cody, Lee Berry George Lindsey, Elizabeth Eis and Tom Happer.