| - Physiologically, the majority of the body’s energy, in the form of heat, escapes through the head. That is why around the world mothers and wives are forever telling their husbands and children to wear their hats on cold days. On the the other side of that a head covering, whether turban, hat or pith helmet protect the head from head stroke in the hot sun and potential skin cancer brought on by that same energy giver the sun, on hot days. Hence the old British saying of "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun." (Noel Coward, I believe)
| - Physiologically, the majority of the body’s energy, in the form of heat, escapes through the head. That is why around the world mothers and wives are forever telling their husbands and children to wear their hats on cold days. On the the other side of that a head covering, whether turban, hat or pith helmet protect the head from head stroke in the hot sun and potential skin cancer brought on by that same energy giver the sun, on hot days. Hence the old British saying of "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun." (Noel Coward, I believe) The top center of the head, which is the crown chakra, is a focal point of energy. When we are in the presence of Guru, Guru is giving us energy (the sun is the source of vitamin D a very essential element for ones health). Even the sight of the sun is a source of Kardi-Kala, as its prolonged absense even in northern Punjab and J & K in winter is the cause of much sadness, the condition is even medically recognized as SAD- seasonal affective disorder. Sikhs hold that the energy of Vahiguru's Sun is sacred and should be retained, the Guru’s energy lives in us and that gives us the living experience of Guru. To help retain that energy we cover our heads. That is also why we don’t cut our hair. Hair draws energy from the sun and acts as antenna to the environment, giving us greater sensitivity and intuitiveness. When we tie our hair on top of our head, and cover it with a turban, that energy becomes focused, giving us the power of penetrating projection. The top of the head is also the location of 'the Brahman's hole which one listens, during a cremation, for the sound of its, the skull cracking so that the soul may escape the dross of a dead human form and return to Vahiguru. Whether this may be merely an old Hindu ritual, no longer listened for in Sikh cremations I do not know, but this particular custom or ritual is going by the way side today, into the dustbin of history, as modern Hindu eldest sons, who unlike the character Devdas preform their duty as did Nau Nihal Singh—that last day of his life, in western countries by simply pushing a button to electronically start a fire they no can no longer hear.
* Turban
* Man with the red Turban
* France Turban issue
* Turban Case - Hope Raised
* Turban Spiritually
* Turban Historically
* Turban Physiologically
* National Protest by UK Sikhs
* Legal Case Victory in the UK
* First High court judge to wear turban
* UK Legislation connected with turban