In the feudal days of Japan, Isanagi Nakadai won several key battles for the emperor. He was granted Lord status by the emperor as a reward. However, upon returning home, he learned his wife and son had passed to fever the previous season. He was struck with grief and ignored his duties as a lord.
One day, an old man convinced him to face his fears and discover what type of man he was. It would take the form of a dragon and he must look it in the eye. He traveled the land freeing its people of bandits. One day, he encountered a boy standing on a bridge. When he approached, the child disappeared. He followed the voice through the jungle until he stumbled upon his dragon. After defeating it in battle, he realized he failed to look it in the eyes and failed his mission.
He returned home to find his land in ruin. One lone man sat on his throne.
Return to Earth
Years later, Ben Nakadai unlocked the Box of Eden. This created a bridge that allowed Lord Nakadai to return to earth. He was defeated in battle by Spawn but looked him in the eyes as he died to finally accomplish his task.