Black Veil Brides is an American rock band based out of Hollywood, California. The group is composed of Andrew "Andy Six" Biersack (lead vocals), Ashley Purdy (bass, backing vocals), Jake Pitts (lead guitar), Jinxx (guitar, violin), and Christian "CC" Coma (drums). Black Veil Brides are known for their distinct appearance, mainly being inspired by Kiss' stage persona as well as numerous 1980's glam metal acts.
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| - Black Veil Brides
- Black Veil Brides
| - Black Veil Brides is an American rock band based out of Hollywood, California. The group is composed of Andrew "Andy Six" Biersack (lead vocals), Ashley Purdy (bass, backing vocals), Jake Pitts (lead guitar), Jinxx (guitar, violin), and Christian "CC" Coma (drums). Black Veil Brides are known for their distinct appearance, mainly being inspired by Kiss' stage persona as well as numerous 1980's glam metal acts.
- Black Veil Brides (BVB, Brides) – amerykański zespół grający szeroko pojętą muzykę post-hardcore utworzony w Hollywood, w stanieKalifornia, w USA. Obecnie mają podpisany kontrakt z wytwórnią Universal Records. Ich debiutancki album "We Stitch These Wounds" został wydany 20 lipca 2010 r. w 2014 roku zespół wydał czwarty album pt "Black Veil Brides IV" Kategoria:Zespoły rockowe Kategoria:Amerykańskie zespoły
- Black Veil Brides are an American rock band. Their song "Unbroken" is featured on Avengers Assemble: Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture, an album with music inspired by (but mostly not used in) The Avengers.
- An American rock band based in Hollywood, California. Famous for their KISS-like face paint, and having both a strong fan base and strong hatedom. Current Members:
* Andy Biersack – Lead Vocals
* Jake Pitts – Lead Guitar
* Jinxx – Rhythm Guitar, Violin, Backing Vocals
* Ashley Purdy – Bass, Backing vocals
* Christian "Coma" Mora – Drums, Percussion
* Album Title Drop: In both "We Stitch These Wounds" and "Set the World on Fire"
* Be Yourself: The main message of a majority of their songs.
* Careful with That Axe
* Cover Version: Of Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" and KISS's "Unholy".
* Deadpan Snarker: Andy in most interviews.
* Fallen Angel: They have a song about this, appropriately called "Fallen Angels"
* Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Again, all of t
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Past members
| - David Burton
- Chris Hollywood
- Chris Riesenberg
- Johnny Herold
- Nate Shipp
Phil Cenedella
- Sandra Alvarenga
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| - Hard Rock
- Metalcore
- Glam Metal
- Post-Hardcore
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Years Active
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Current Members
| - Andy Biersack
- Ashley Purdy
- Christian Coma
- Jake Pitts
- Jinxx
| - Black Veil Brides is an American rock band based out of Hollywood, California. The group is composed of Andrew "Andy Six" Biersack (lead vocals), Ashley Purdy (bass, backing vocals), Jake Pitts (lead guitar), Jinxx (guitar, violin), and Christian "CC" Coma (drums). Black Veil Brides are known for their distinct appearance, mainly being inspired by Kiss' stage persona as well as numerous 1980's glam metal acts.
- Black Veil Brides (BVB, Brides) – amerykański zespół grający szeroko pojętą muzykę post-hardcore utworzony w Hollywood, w stanieKalifornia, w USA. Obecnie mają podpisany kontrakt z wytwórnią Universal Records. Ich debiutancki album "We Stitch These Wounds" został wydany 20 lipca 2010 r. w 2014 roku zespół wydał czwarty album pt "Black Veil Brides IV" Kategoria:Zespoły rockowe Kategoria:Amerykańskie zespoły
- Black Veil Brides are an American rock band. Their song "Unbroken" is featured on Avengers Assemble: Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture, an album with music inspired by (but mostly not used in) The Avengers.
- An American rock band based in Hollywood, California. Famous for their KISS-like face paint, and having both a strong fan base and strong hatedom. Current Members:
* Andy Biersack – Lead Vocals
* Jake Pitts – Lead Guitar
* Jinxx – Rhythm Guitar, Violin, Backing Vocals
* Ashley Purdy – Bass, Backing vocals
* Christian "Coma" Mora – Drums, Percussion
* Album Title Drop: In both "We Stitch These Wounds" and "Set the World on Fire"
* Be Yourself: The main message of a majority of their songs.
* Careful with That Axe
* Cover Version: Of Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" and KISS's "Unholy".
* Deadpan Snarker: Andy in most interviews.
* Fallen Angel: They have a song about this, appropriately called "Fallen Angels"
* Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Again, all of them.
* One-Woman Song: "Carolyn"
* Scary Musician, Harmless Music
* Signature Song: Either "Knives and Pens" or "Fallen Angels"
* Stage Names