| - Greenuts is a computer-animated franchise of animated films produced by Geo Animation Studios, a division of Paramount Pictures, and featuring the voices of David Spade, Neil Patrick Harris, John Cleese, Jake Sharratt, Christopher Lee, Jodi Benson, Seth Green, Max Casella, Martin Short, and Drew Barrymore.
| - Greenuts is a computer-animated franchise of animated films produced by Geo Animation Studios, a division of Paramount Pictures, and featuring the voices of David Spade, Neil Patrick Harris, John Cleese, Jake Sharratt, Christopher Lee, Jodi Benson, Seth Green, Max Casella, Martin Short, and Drew Barrymore. Four films have been released in the series thus far, Greenuts in 1993, Greenuts 2 in 1997, Greenuts 3: Shape Revolution in 2000 and Greenuts: A New Beginning. A fifth film, Greenuts: The New Groove, is set to be released on July 27, 2018. Four shorts, Greenuts in 1990, Shoe in 1994, Greenuts: A Very Special Christmas in 1996 and Greenuts: The Second Short in 2011, were also released. A television series for CBS television network, Greenuts, aired from 1994 and its spin-off television series titled The Adventures of BallCone was aired on CBS on January 7, 2014.