| - Arwen, also known as "Undómiel (Evenstar)", is an Elf from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. She is the daughter of Elrond and eventually the wife of Aragorn. She is beautiful, gentle, and wise, or at least intelligent, as befits an Elf. While her character is not given as much in-depth description as some of the other members of the cast of LotR, she is definitely a sympathetic character. Which is why the way she is characterised in badfic is so inexplicable.
- Arwen ist die Tochter von Elrond und eine Elbe. Sie verliebt sich in Aragorn. en:Arwen Evenstar fr:Arwen pl:Arwena nl:Arwen Kategorie:2013 Kategorie:The Lord of the Rings Kategorie:Elb
- Arwen is a Pokémon Jacob McKnight caught while in the Kalos region.
- <default>Arwen</default> Beiname Titel Spezies Geschlecht Geburt Tod Partner Heimat Beruf Waffen Zugehörigkeit Regierung Schauspieler Stimme Arwen (Sindarin: Edle Maid) war eine Elbenfürstin von Bruchtal und die Tochter von Elrond und Celebrían. Sie war somit die Enkelin der Herrscher von Lothlórien, Celeborn und Galadriel, da diese die Eltern von Celebrían waren. Wegen ihrer auffallenden Schönheit wurde Arwen auch Undómiel (Abendstern) genannt. Aragorn war ihr Ehemannn.
- Arwen Evenstar (Undomiel), daughter of Elrond, was among Middle-earth's most beautiful creatures in the Second and Third Age. She developed her ability to heal, whether using athelas or not, from her father, and in Peter Jackson's film trilogy she aided in Frodo's recovery after he had been wounded by a Morgul blade. Like many of the Elves of Rivendell, Arwen is a remarkable rider (though not noted to be in Tolkien's original works). When Aragorn, a Man, finally took the throne of Gondor it was Arwen who wedded him and became Queen of that realm, after having long waited for him to fulfill his destiny. At their marriage, she became mortal.
- Arwen. One hot elf. Want to grab her pointed ears. And bust both nuts. Yeah!
- Arwen was the Half-Elven daughter of Elrond and Celebrían. She was often called Arwen Undómiel or Evenstar. In marrying Aragorn II Elessar after the War of the Ring, she became Queen of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, and like Beren and Lúthien before her, she united and in peaceful love and harmony, becoming mortal. She was the sister of Elladan and Elrohir.
- Arwen è una Mezzelfo, figlia di Elrond e di Celebrìan (figlia di Galadriel) e moglie di Aragorn. Fu Regina dei Reami di Unificati di Gondor e Arnor fino alla morte del suo amato sposo nellanno 120 QE. Dalla sua unione con Re Elessar nacquero due figlie e un figlio cui fu dato il nome di Eldarion. Dopo la morte del suo sposo lasciò Gondor e si recò a Lothlórien, dove si distese sull'erba e, rinunciando alla propria vita immortale, il suo spirito abbandonò il suo corpo.
- Arwen war ein Asiatisches Elefantenkuhkalb im Zoo Pont-Scorff in der Bretagne (Frankreich). Arwen wurde am 29.05.2012 im Zoo Pont-Scorff geboren. Sie kam nach einer Tragzeit von 641 Tagen morgens um 04:18 Uhr dort zur Welt. Ihre Mutter ist die selbst in einem Zoo geborene Homaline, die aus dem Zoo La Palmyre stammt, wo noch ihre Eltern Alix und Chinto leben. Arwen ist Homalines dritter Nachwuchs nach zwei Kälbern ihres Vaters Chinto, die sie nicht annahm (geb. 2001) bzw. nach zwei Wochen wegen Krankheit eingeschläfert werden musste (geb. 2006). Als Vater von Arwen wird der in Pont-Scorff gehaltene Bulle Ant Bwe Lay genannt, der ebenfalls in einem Zoo geboren wurde. Er kam im niederländischen Zoo Emmen zur Welt und wurde schon im Jahr 2000 nach Pont-Scorff gebracht. Seine Eltern sind die Bi
- Arwen was apparently responsible for the destruction of the Imperial capital, telling Craymen that the operation was proceeding as planned shortly before the fleet arrived at Excavation Site #4. Craymen then told Arwen that now was the time for rebellion, and Arwen proceeded to participate. When the fleet arrived at excavation site, Arwen knocked Edgeunconscious with the butt of his gun after Edge told Craymen that he had seen Azel. He told Craymen that there was no turning back now. He may have been making a general statement about the rebellion or perhaps thought Craymen was having second thoughts when Craymen told Zastava to leave the mercenaries unharmed.