| - Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler's Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl since 24,500 BBY. But unlike Coruscant – which was only relatively dangerous on the lower levels of the world city – Nar Shaddaa was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime throughout.
- thumb|right|250px|Nar Shaddaa Nar Shaddaa oli Nal Huttan isoin kuu. Kuu oli kaupungin peittämä, mutta Coruscantiin verrattuna vaarallisempi, sillä kuulla kukoisti rikollisuus.
- Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler's Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl since 24,500 BBY, although unlike Coruscant it was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime.
- Nar Shaddaa Kategória:Planéty
- Nar Shaddaa is a moon in the Mid Rim.
- Nar Shaddaa era la quinta luna più grande del pianeta Nal Hutta. Meglio conosciuta come la Città Verticale, la Luna dei Contrabbandieri e Piccola Coruscant, essa era molto simile a Coruscant, essendo completamente ricoperta da un'unica gigantesca città. Ma a differenza di Coruscant, che era solo nei livelli più bassi relativamente fatiscente e pericolosa, Nar Shaddaa era sporca, inquinata, e infestata dalla criminalità ovunque.
- Nar Shaddaa einer der pulsierendsten und gefährlichsten Orte in der Galaxis, ist eine riesige Stadtlandschaft, in der es nichts gibt, was es nicht gibt. Dominiert von einem Schwarzmarkt, der keine Wünsche offen lässt, ist der Mond das ultimative Sinnbild für Fantasie und Korruption.
- Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. Much like Coruscant, it was almost completely covered by urban sprawl. However, unlike Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was filthy, polluted and crime-ridden everywhere.
- Nar Shaddaa was a moon in Hutt Space and it orbited the planet Nal Hutta. Both Ichi Go and Renton Thur'ston were brought to Nar Shaddaa under various circumstances. The Ozone Club was also located on Nar Shaddaa.
- Nar Shaddaa, nicknamed the "Smuggler's Moon," was a notorious moon that was home to a large criminal underworld dominated by bounty hunters and Hutt crime lords. An ecumenopolis, the entire surface of Nar Shaddaa was covered in urban sprawl. It was the homeworld of the near-human bounty hunter Aurra Sing, the Zabrak Jedi Master Eeth Koth, and the Jablogian slaver Azmorigan. One of its cities, Hutta Town, was ruled by Grakkus the Hutt.
- Nar Shaddaa, conocida como la "Luna de los Contrabandistas" fue una importante luna que albergaba un extenso submundo criminal dominado por cazarrecompensas y señores del crimen. Fue el mundo natal de la cazarrecompensas Aurra Sing, el Maestro Jedi zabrak Eeth Koth, y el esclavista jablogiano Azmorigan. Una de sus ciudades, estaba gobernada por Grakkus el Hutt.
- [Source] Nar Shaddaa, surnommée la Lune des Contrebandiers, était une lune célèbre pour la vaste pègre composée de chasseurs de primes et de seigneurs du crime Hutts qu'elle accueillait. Elle était le monde d'origine de la chasseuse de primes Aurra Sing, du Maître Jedi Zabrak Eeth Koth et de l'esclavagiste Azmorigan. Une de ses cités, Hutta Town, était dirigée par Grakkus le Hutt.
- Egy bolygó a Star Warsban ahol Rahm Kota létesített űrállomást, a birodalmat támadó hadserege számára.
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- The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa is commonly referred to as the Smuggler's Moon; and common to Coruscant in that the surface of the moon is completely covered in urban sprawl though that is where the similarity ends. Under control of the Hutts for as long as anyone can remember, it is a filthy sesspool of crime.
- thumb|300px|Nar ShaddaaNar Shaddaa er Nal Huttas største måne og ligger i Y'Toub Systemet i Mid Rim. Nar Shaddaa er kjent som den Vertikale Byen, Smuglernes Måne eller Lille Coruscant. Etter at huttene immigrerte til Nal Hutta fra Varl drev huttene de innfødte Evocii vekk fra Nal Hutta. De ble sendt til Nar Shaddaa for å urbanisere månen. Etter mange år med arbeid var hele månen blitt urbanisert, med likhet med Coruscant og Taris. Men i forholdt til Coruscant, som har kriminelle undernivåer er hele Nar Shaddaa fult av kriminalitet. Smuglere og pirater søker tilflukt i kasinoer og barer over hele månen. Smuglere som Han Solo, Lando Calrissian og Kyle Katarn startet så smått på Smuglernes Måne.
- Nar Shaddaa, también conocida como la Luna de los Contrabandistas, era la luna más grande de las cinco que orbitaban al planeta Nal Hutta. Uno de los lugares más vibrantes y peligrosos de la galaxia, Nar Shaddaa era una extensión urbana en la que nada se obtenía sin pagar un precio. Dominado por un mercado negro que satisface cualquier lujo, la luna se convirtió en el último símbolo de corrupción. Los niveles superiores presentaban un interminable desfile de relucientes torres de neón y palacios de recreo flotantes; no hubo mayor concentración de riqueza en toda la galaxia. Detrás de estas ostentosas fachadas, el crimen es el que manda y los emisarios de la policía secreta hacían tratos a puerta cerrada que decidían el destino de los mundos y aunque a la República Galáctica y al Imperio Si
- The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa is commonly referred to as the Smuggler's Moon; and common to Coruscant in that the surface of the moon is completely covered in urban sprawl though that is where the similarity ends. Under control of the Hutts for as long as anyone can remember, it is a filthy sesspool of crime. As of late 18 ABY, the planet has been fully taken under control by the Sith Empire. The most obvious way of this being a Leviathan-class ship being put above the moon, and the surviving Hutt's after the Nar Shaddaa Revolution being pressed into service of the Sith Empire.
- Ancient refueling spires and loading docks reached out from the native soil and some built in the upper atmosphere. In between these ports, massive vertical cities grew. The urban areas on Nar Shaddaa were known as vertical cities since new layers of housing and entertainment buildings were built on top of older layers, like Coruscant and Taris.
- Nar Shaddaa, also known as the Smuggler's Moon, is the largest of five moons in orbit around the planet Nal Hutta. This ecumenopolis is one of the wealthiest locations in the galaxy, yet it is home to some of the poorest people, the lights and towers of its upper levels embodying pleasure and excess. Nar Shaddaa also serves as a symbol of corruption; run by the Hutt Cartel, the Smuggler's Moon supports a robust black market and is known for secretive dealings and illegal acts. Nar Shaddaa is the first neutral planet that the player will encounter, despite the Republic and Empire sectors being separated, and it's level bracket is 20-24.
- Home to the powerful Hutt families, and the most powerful gangs in the galaxy, central to crime and villainy in the Outer Rim, Nar Shaddaa is a noxious, filthy city-planet full of all the vile contrasts apparent in a crime-ridden world. The world itself is poorly maintained. Near the surface, it is positively run down, and the poorest inhabitants-- washed up adult entertainers, spice-heads, and droids whose programming has gone bad, make their home in the trash heaps of the city's foundations.